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Feral Interactive are teasing something for Linux next week

By - | Views: 28,539

Update: Total War: THREE KINGDOMS is now announced, we're unsure if it's related to this but still worth noting.

As if we haven't had enough teasers from Feral Interactive already, they're at it again today so what do we think is going on?

Writing on Twitter and Facebook, they simply said this:

macOS and Linux fans, hold on to your novelty video game-themed baseball caps. Big things are happening. Let’s meet back here, this time next week, and reflect on it all...

While including a lovely picture of a big cat (like their logo) and that's all that was said.

I'm going to assume this is either a game about to be released or they're going to reveal the actual games they've been teasing lately. We know they're porting Total War: WARHAMMER II but there's two other Linux ports they've teased. They seem to be moving a bit quicker with things lately, especially since they only released Life is Strange: Before the Storm for Linux two weeks ago.

The other two teasers currently on their port radar (as a reminder) are these two:

While they've often done teasers for new games, teasing something so vague like this on their social networks telling us to stick around is certainly new. I'm not sure I can handle all this excitement! What do we all think this is then?

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lqe5433 Sep 27, 2018
Port Doom 2016, or Wolfeinstein:Old Blood these are low hanging fruits.
Leopard Sep 27, 2018
I don't have a guess about what they will tease but they should focus on games that won't work with Proton because of DRM.
bgh251f2 Sep 27, 2018
Quoting: GuestThis is so stupid... Just reveal it already. Or don't talk about it at all until the games are released and we can buy them. What is the point of polluting our social media with vague stuff with no solid info?

I believe the answer is simple: it's not pollution and it generates engagement with the community.
fryk Sep 27, 2018
I bet its a Doom 2016 and Skyrim double feature!! Isn't it?
Well, my hope is, it's something about Shadow of the Tomb Raider or Life is Strange 2.
pb Sep 27, 2018
I hope it's not Feral announcing they will only be making Mac ports from now on, because Linux has got Proton. :P But seriously, I think it will be some kind of announcement in relation to the recent developments, maybe they got a proposal from Valve to do SteamPlay certification / fixes and they will handle entire catalogues of big AAA studios? On the other hand, they wouldn't mention Mac if it was about SteamPlay, would they. Hm...
Koopacabras Sep 27, 2018
obviously it's Max Payne 3 ... yesssssss!!

Last edited by Koopacabras on 27 September 2018 at 11:48 am UTC
the_thor Sep 27, 2018
Suspect that it's something baseball-related, but here's hoping for a Shadow and something #notIndianaJones
Eike Sep 27, 2018
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Quoting: GuestSo let me get this straight: Just because social media are already a putrid sea of toxic waste, we should add more on top of it?

These announcements are wasted energy and just NOISE. They don't increase Feral sales, they don't help Linux gaming, they do nothing but generate useless internet traffic and waste everyone's time.

I don't agree with the effects you're (not) expecting, but that aside: Why do you spend more time with it than that needed to find out it's a news you don't care about (which should be a single-digit amount of seconds)?
Liam Dawe Sep 27, 2018
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: bgh251f2
Quoting: GuestThis is so stupid... Just reveal it already. Or don't talk about it at all until the games are released and we can buy them. What is the point of polluting our social media with vague stuff with no solid info?

I believe the answer is simple: it's not pollution and it generates engagement with the community.

What "engagement with the community"? Care to elaborate? All they are doing is telling us "hey we might be working in some new games, we won't tell though". That's it.

Well no shit Sherlock, it is quite obvious they would work on more ports, or else they would close the company...

There is no "engagement with the community" here. If "the community" asks about the games, they will learn nothing. There is nothing there.

The hillarious part is when next weak they will announce Total War Warhammer II and Life is Strange 2, games we already know they are working on, and they will reveal to everyone they were wasting our time...
Hey guys, i found the most boring member of the entire Linux gaming community. Captain Killjoy!
poke86 Sep 27, 2018
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Quoting: GuestMaybe they've been bought by Valve

That would actually make a little bit of sense. Having a dedicated porting studio would help Steam Machines compete with consoles. Not to mention Feral has a pretty big catalog of Mac-only old games that could end up on Linux too (Arkham, Tomb Raider, LEGO...)
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