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Lenna's Inception, a name I've honestly not heard of since 2013 is closing in on release with a brand new trailer and some big news about the development.

It's being created by Bytten Studio, which is comprised of Jay Baylis and Tom Coxon, who both left Chucklefish recently to go full-time with Bytten Studio and Lenna's Inception. Chucklefish were going to be publishing it still, however, they announced on Twitter earlier today that they will be "self-publishing Lenna's Inception" so they're as indie as you can get now.

Looks like it's come along nicely too, check out their new trailer below:

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Feature Highlight:

  • Team up with a friend. Make peace with Shadow Lenna to enjoy the game in local co-op multiplayer!
  • Play again (and again). With two graphical styles, multiple endings, multiple boss forms, and procedural generation, you won’t see everything in a single playthrough!
  • Challenge yourself. Speed through the daily challenge dungeon with no sword, with only three hearts, or without taking a single hit. Show off a GIF of your playthrough on the connected leaderboard afterwards!
  • Recruit companions. Will you choose Henrietta, the free-range chicken with a vendetta, or perhaps Gourdon, the sentient pumpkin? (4 to discover)

In regards to the Linux version, I decided to reach out today to Bytten Studio as the brand new Steam page has Linux system requirements live on it. The answer was a little unexpected, with a reply from Coxon which said:

Yes, it's still coming to Linux! In fact I use Linux almost exclusively in development, so it gets more testing on Ubuntu 16.04 than any other platform :)

Awesome news! Not only are we seeing another sweet looking game, it's being made by a Linux developer too. That's still quite uncommon and always surprises me.

At release it will be available on both and Steam. No exact date on the release yet, will let you know when I know. If you purchased it early a long time ago on itch, it seems they're currently waiting to see if Valve (source) will allow Steam keys for that too.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BielFPs Sep 16, 2019
-Native Linux Support

I guess it will be full price for me then ;)
kuhpunkt Sep 16, 2019
Chucklefish seems to be in hot water anyway. Might be better to distance yourself from them.
vipor29 Sep 16, 2019
very zelda like,looks interesting.because we all know nintendo will never port there games to the pc.i mean yea we got emulation but still.
Tchey Sep 16, 2019
2014-12-06 : it was my very first game bought on itchio.
Cyba.Cowboy Sep 22, 2019
No release?
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