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What have you been playing recently?

By - | Views: 39,659

It's Sunday and another week has flown by, in part thanks to all the wonderful limited-time demos that have been available for a few days during the Steam Game Festival.

Thanks to the Steam festival, the choice of gaming available has been tougher than ever. Do you jump through your vast backlog of titles or wet your taste-buds with one of the demos? Choices, choices. Here's a reminder of some recent interesting new releases for Linux:

Admittedly, my own time has been spread across a great many titles. Although, thanks to Titanfall 2 now working well on Linux with Steam Play Proton I will admit to having the need to go and play a lot more. Apart from that, I've also been feeling the ARPG call from Last Epoch, now that it's up to date and working very nicely, a proper gem in the rough and could be quite big once fully released. So many skills to master, loot coming out of everything you can fashion into a pocket and so many different types of enemies. Last Epoch is really one that action RPG fans need to take a look into.

Over to you in the comments section: what have you been playing recently?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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robredz Jun 22, 2020
Ion Fury, it works perfectly in Steam play, still life in the old Build engine yet, Amid Evil, but RTX doesn't work. Also been playing the native Quake 2 RTX . Demons Tilt also runs well in Steam Play.
randyl Jun 22, 2020
Quoting: CsokisGrim Dawn and Summer in Mara. Summer in Mara works only with Proton-5.9-GE-2-MF.
Has anyone tested Summer in Mara with a vanilla 5.0-9 prefix and using the mf-install scripts? Or is there something else in the Glorious Eggroll custom compile the game needs? ProtonDB shows the game as platinum, which I find frustrating because custom compiled wine prefixes should list the game as Bronze, or Silver at best. At least both entries show they used the GE prefix so that can be used as a guide to getting it running.

Other than getting it up and running, how do you like Summer in Mara? It's been on my wishlist for a while and I'm curious how it plays. I like casual sim/builders like Farm Together and My Time at Portia.

Last edited by randyl on 22 June 2020 at 5:01 pm UTC
Kohrias Jun 22, 2020
Started with Quantum Break recently. So far it is really enjoyable ...
Comandante Ñoñardo Jun 22, 2020
Quoting: KohriasStarted with Quantum Break recently. So far it is really enjoyable ...
Out of the box?
Kohrias Jun 23, 2020
Quoting: Comandante Ñoñardo
Quoting: KohriasStarted with Quantum Break recently. So far it is really enjoyable ...
Out of the box?

Click and play with Proton 5.09. Good performance as well ;-) If I remember correctly one of the last wine/Proton releases included a performance tweak ;-)
Shmerl Jun 23, 2020
I should go back and finish the Saboteur (Wine).
soulsource Jun 23, 2020
I didn't play games this weekend.
On Friday I discovered how awesome Intel ISPC can be, so I kept working through the weekend. I just couldn't stop, simply because for some of our code just porting it from C++ improved performance by a factor of 15 (on Intel Skylake - on AMD Jaguar the improvement is more like a factor of 7, but still impressive....), and I didn't want that endorphin rush to stop.

(Edit: I mixed up the letters in ISPC, and fixed that now - originally I had written ISCP...)

Last edited by soulsource on 23 June 2020 at 2:45 pm UTC
Eike Jun 23, 2020
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Quoting: soulsourceI didn't play games this weekend.
On Friday I discovered how awesome Intel ISCP can be, so I kept working through the weekend. I just couldn't stop, simply because for some of our code just porting it from C++ improved performance by a factor of 15 (on Intel Skylake - on AMD Jaguar the improvement is more like a factor of 7, but still impressive....), and I didn't want that endorphin rush to stop.

If you're wondering the same as me:

Last edited by Eike on 23 June 2020 at 4:51 pm UTC
soulsource Jun 23, 2020
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: soulsourceI didn't play games this weekend.
On Friday I discovered how awesome Intel ISCP can be, so I kept working through the weekend. I just couldn't stop, simply because for some of our code just porting it from C++ improved performance by a factor of 15 (on Intel Skylake - on AMD Jaguar the improvement is more like a factor of 7, but still impressive....), and I didn't want that endorphin rush to stop.

If you're wondering the save as me:

Whoa, sorry. I can't seem to type the abbreviation without mixing up letters. I'll edit my orignal post.
Eike Jun 23, 2020
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Quoting: soulsource
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: soulsourceI didn't play games this weekend.
On Friday I discovered how awesome Intel ISCP can be, so I kept working through the weekend. I just couldn't stop, simply because for some of our code just porting it from C++ improved performance by a factor of 15 (on Intel Skylake - on AMD Jaguar the improvement is more like a factor of 7, but still impressive....), and I didn't want that endorphin rush to stop.

If you're wondering the save as me:

Whoa, sorry. I can't seem to type the abbreviation without mixing up letters. I'll edit my orignal post.

I wouldn't have known "ISPC" either... :D
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