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What are you playing this weekend? We're Linux distro-hopping

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Time to brew a cup of your favourite and chat in the comments, let's see what GOL readers have been enjoying on their Linux boxes recently.

This week we saw Children of Morta gain official Linux support and wow—what absolutely stunning artwork it has. I'm constantly finding myself just appreciating the detail that went into it. Children of Morta could quite easily be my biggest surprise of this year. Not only that, the introduction with the narration is simply incredible.

Pictured: actual in-game Children of Morta shot on Linux.

I will no doubt have more to say about it in the coming days/weeks. We're also going to have our livestreamer take a look too, so be sure to follow us on Twitch.

We've also been doing a little extra of Drink More Glurp, because it's honestly just hilarious. You control a funny little character, with each stick on a gamepad being an arm and you need to progress through randomized events. Playing it with others is pure joy, as you're all laughing away at how ridiculous it is, which is aplified by it being a hot-seat game so you're all watching or being watched. Do check it out, brilliant game.

I've also done the great distro-hop of 2020, moving over from Manjaro to EndeavourOS. Not only that, I've also moved from the KDE Plasma desktop environment to MATE, so it's been quite a disruptive day. Sometimes, change is just needed. This brings me that little bit closer to a standard Arch Linux install, although I do like my easy install options so EndeavorOS made that quite simple. A little NVIDIA headache aside (nomodeset in GRUB was needed), it's running smoothly now.

Thanks to the Ventoy app, doing it was super simple too since I could just download the ISO and dump it right onto the USB and reboot without any fuss.

MATE is far less flashy than KDE Plasma, but also runs a lot smoother, especially on NVIDIA where Plasma has a lot of rough edges and random slow downs and occasional momentary freezes. As a side effect of the move, it seems my keyboard is also no longer randomly disconnecting so that's a bonus.

Anyway, that's enough Linux distribution talk…

Stuck for something this weekend? There's plenty of deals going on:

Over to you in the comments: what have you been gaming on Linux lately? Give over your suggestions on what's hot.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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robvv Aug 29, 2020
I've been playing Hellpoint again, along with Bioshock Remastered - which I've started playing with a controller and it's surprisingly responsive.

I followed the comments here, to improve BR's performance.

New to the collection in Control, which I've heard good things about and am about to fire up.
Nezchan Aug 29, 2020
I played some Chronicon now that the 1.0 version is out and....honestly I wasn't having that much fun with it. The early levels of each class seem so underpowered, and the Berserker even more so. Not sure I want to play a game when i start out feeling so weak that even the beginner trash mobs take many hits to kill and I'm walking around really slow.

This morning I tried Dorfromantik, which is in development on Itch. It's not due for a full release until next year, but what's there is pretty interesting. It's basically a strategy game where you have a deck of land tiles that you place one at a time, and satisfying the requirements given to you adds more tiles to your stack. The object of course is to get as far as you can before you run out of tiles. There's still work to be done on it, but what's there is quite good.

Earlier in the week I finished Spiritfarer. Great game, enjoyable in every aspect except for the windmill. But aside from that one blemish and the fact that I didn't find the ending very satisfying, it was a worthwhile experience. Not a lot of replay value, but that's fine. Not everything needs to be a repeat experience.
Eike Aug 29, 2020
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VirtuaVerse. Good point and click, and I love the music!
(How would this style be called, "chip tunes"?)
WorMzy Aug 29, 2020
Breaking my new graphics card in gently with some Long Dark. Wanted to get back into Hellpoint, but it seems my savedata has been lost (or else it resets you back to level 1 and closes/locks all the doors you previously opened every time you load..) so I'm disinclined to play that right now.
Solarwing Aug 29, 2020
I played guitar again....this time I connected it with my win10 machine and played Rocksmith 2014 remastered. Yes I betrayed our cause and master(Liam) can kick me out from GOL for good! But here is the real thing:I still wait for Rocksmith to work on Linux properly using Proton.(And when it works I will play it on linux) But in the meantime I have to use win10. It's really challenging for me to play Rocksmith-yet.The problem is that you've to watch the screen and try to play guitar at the same time. Well training will correct that.As a matter of fact I have also played civilization 5 for a bit on Linux. So I haven't forgotten Linux totally.
kaiman Aug 29, 2020
Played the demo of Paradise Killer with Proton. I have been curious about that for a while, but I'd never imagined how wonderfully weird or weirdly wonderful this was going to be. It's Windows only, but didn't notice any issues playing. And best of all, it'll be out by the end of next week.

Also started playing Beautiful Desolation. That must be the prettiest isometric game I've seen so far. Although it does indeed feel a bit desolate, with some of these large environments having little more to offer than an item or two. So apparently the name says it all.

Gameplay wise it's not quite a true P&C adventure, with actual puzzles being few and far between. Instead it's more a series of fetch or delivery quests, which will open up new locations with new characters that will want another favor before showing the way forward. And while it's got quite the interesting background, there's actually little incentive to go through all that hassle. No big mystery, nothing really at stake, so not sure if I'll make it to the end. Especially with so many games I'm eagerly awaiting right around the corner.
Lolo01 Aug 29, 2020
I'm back on Witcher 3 today (after a one-year break), with HD rework project.
It works fine.

Last edited by Lolo01 on 29 August 2020 at 8:38 pm UTC
yokem55 Aug 29, 2020
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I finished the main story of Mad Max this week. They really could have done a better job of integrating and the core gameplay loop into the story. It felt like a series of chores needed to unlock bits of story instead of adding to the world. Also, the world was about twice as big as it needed to be. I also really didn't care for the ending. I did really like finding the 'historical artifacts' as it connected the dire situation of the game to happier and better times. The brawling fights were fun, but the driving combat I couldn't really get the hang of consistently enough to enjoy it. I always ended up way off road.

I started into Hitman 1 & 2 after that with the Hitman 2 version in proton. Plays and performs very nicely and tickles all my immersive sim buttons rather well.

I'm hoping also to get some VR going this weekend again, but that will depend on some other chores getting done... So, maybe.

Last edited by yokem55 on 29 August 2020 at 8:46 pm UTC
CFWhitman Aug 29, 2020
I'm slowing down on Supraland, since I'm somewhere around 40% finished, I was eager to check out some other things, and I don't want it to feel like a chore. I have a little bit of feeling with Supraland that I'm always trying to get the next item rather than progressing a story. That's not the end of the world, but if I try to power through it, it will feel more like work than fun.

So I started a game of Children of Morta, and so far it seems really good, though I've barely gotten started with it. I have other things I'd like to tackle from my back catalogue also, and I'm still dabbling with A Short Hike. I have to clear one of them before I start in on something else.

Of course, I also have to get more regular with my ocarina practice if I don't want to get really rusty again, so there's that too.
brokeassben Aug 29, 2020
Children of Morta - Just started it and am really liking the art style and game play. Plus money from the DLC is going to a charity I'm pretty fond of.

Dishonored 2 - This time I'm not murdering anyone! I stopped dual-booting not long after purchasing this and am finally getting back to it after a replay of the first one. Runs like a charm once the shader cache is loaded. Can't recall who, but someone helpfully let me know that pre-loading the shader cache would fix the stuttering I was complaining about.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - It's a joyless slog compared to the other two, but I'm going to get through it...because I paid for it, I guess? The action parts are a lot more fun than puzzles. They've gotten lazier and more nonsensical with each sequel.

GTA V - Going to give it another go. The characters are just so damn unlikable and a lot are terrible stereotypes/caricatures that I grimace at every god awful bit of dialog.
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