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The upcoming Left 4 Dead 2 free update 'The Last Stand' has a new teaser

By - | Views: 19,162

With the surprise announcement in August that Left 4 Dead 2 would be getting a brand new update many years after release, we now know a little more.

A few days ago, a second teaser trailer went up. In the description it mentioned that it will feature a brand new campaign based on the original "The Last Stand" survival map from Left 4 Dead, designed by community modders including "NF, Roku, and Wolphin" who worked on the Steam Workshop campaigns Hard Rain: Downpour and Dark Carnival: Remix. There's more coming, as they are just a few of the names who have been working on it with more yet to be revealed.

New teaser below:

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It's apparently getting close to a full final reveal. What else do you think is going to be in it apart from a new campaign? What are you hoping for? Let us know in the comments.

You can play Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Linas Sep 8, 2020
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Bill... survived?
M@GOid Sep 8, 2020
It would be nice if they fixed the sound on Linux, since surround is bugged and it doesn't auto-detect the output you are using. Also it always starts win 5.1 mode, regardless what setting you set before closing the game.
orochi_kyo Sep 8, 2020
You can see the Riverside road signal. So maybe this is just an alternative timeline/route to the Death Toll campaign. Bill surviving will break all the L4D2 story.
morbius Sep 8, 2020
Haven't played the game in seven years. It will be fun to give it another go after so long.
vskye Sep 9, 2020
Awesome, although I'm still waiting for Left 4 Dead 3. ;)
Mezron Sep 9, 2020
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My family is super excited for this.
BielFPs Sep 9, 2020
Quoting: LinasBill... survived?

This supposed to be the "last campaign" before The Sacrifice idea, where the survivors would arrive to the lighthouse and all died there without rescue (ending their story that way).

Then this idea was scrapped and this campaign became a survivor map (until now)
Linas Sep 10, 2020
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Quoting: GuestI wanna play this so bad.
And I need to know how Bill is still alive... I'm far to excited over a game that is 11 years old!!!!
Me thinks GOL co-op stream... maybe?
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