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Metro Exodus is still planned to release for Linux and macOS

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4A Games have confirmed in an official 10th anniversary update post today that Metro Exodus is still going to release for Linux and macOS as well.

They gave a small overview in the post about what's been going on like celebrating the first release of Metro 2033 which arrived back in March 2010. Not only that, they recently got acquired by Embracer Group who also control Koch Media, Saber Interactive, THQ Nordic and others. Specifically, 4A Games are now an independently run subsidiary of Saber Interactive.

For people waiting on official Linux support for Metro Exodus, there's good news. While it has been confirmed for a while now, they have been somewhat quiet on it. When mentioning about bringing it to the latest consoles with the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 they also said this:

Aside from these enhanced versions for Gen 9, we recently brought Metro Exodus to more players through Amazon’s ‘Luna’ streaming service; and we’re also working on dedicated Linux* and Mac versions of the game. We’ll share more information about these closer to release.

*Emphasis ours.

Also confirmed is a new Metro game that is officially under development. They're not sharing anything on that, other than it being built for all modern tech as it's targeting PCs and the latest consoles. 4A also confirmed their commitment to "delivering a great story driven single player experience". On top of that, with Saber's help they're exploring a proper multiplayer Metro title but it's not clear if it will be part of the next Metro game or a title by itself.

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Tags: FPS, Steam, Upcoming | Apps: Metro Exodus
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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omer666 Nov 25, 2020
Be assured that as soon as it's released natively on Linux, it's an insta-buy for me.
WorMzy Nov 25, 2020
Good to see it's still being worked on!
3zekiel 4 years Nov 25, 2020
Quoting: omer666Be assured that as soon as it's released natively on Linux, it's an insta-buy for me.

Same here, and I have good hope it will support RTX! For when I finally can land an rtx 3080 in 2022 :)
WJMazepas 7 years Nov 25, 2020
Quoting: 3zekiel
Quoting: omer666Be assured that as soon as it's released natively on Linux, it's an insta-buy for me.

Same here, and I have good hope it will support RTX! For when I finally can land an rtx 3080 in 2022 :)

Now with Vulkan having the Ray Tracing extensions, they probably will support
vskye Nov 25, 2020
Awesome news, since I bought this game already.., anticipating a Linux release. It's rated as Platinum on ProtonDB as is btw.
Mohandevir Nov 25, 2020
Couldn't wait for it (I was beginning to think that it might never happen)... So, I completed two runs with proton. It was a flawless experience. Awesome game!

Last edited by Mohandevir on 25 November 2020 at 4:54 pm UTC
a0kami Nov 25, 2020
Quoting: omer666Be assured that as soon as it's released natively on Linux, it's an insta-buy for me.

Exactly the same here
M@GOid Nov 25, 2020
This may be a result of their port on Stadia. Lets hope more games migrate from there to Desktop Linux.
Cyril Nov 25, 2020
I hope they'll release the Linux/macOS ports on GOG too... I'm already disappointed that Blasphemous won't be there.
CatKiller Nov 25, 2020
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Quoting: vskyeAwesome news, since I bought this game already.., anticipating a Linux release. It's rated as Platinum on ProtonDB as is btw.
I'm not going to tell other people how to spend their money.

Buying on Linux and playing through Proton counts as a Linux sale, which is good, and shows that there's a market of Linux gamers. Sales on Linux after they've released a Linux version show that it's profitable to support Linux. If they'll get the sale anyway, without providing any support, then there's less incentive for them to give that support. It's the support costs that scare devs, and they'd really like to know that they're going to get their money back.

Just something to think about.
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