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Total War: ROME REMASTERED announced with cross-platform multiplayer

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Feral Interactive have turned from porter to a full game developer here with the announcement of Total War: ROME REMASTERED, bringing over one of the few Total War titles we didn't already have. This is not some minor revamp either, Feral Interactive went back and upgraded all parts of the game for a full release across Linux, macOS and Windows.

Originally created by Creative Assembly in partnership with SEGA Europe, this brings a lot of fun sounding enhancements to a very popular game along with Linux and macOS support.

"Working to remaster a classic such as Rome has been an exhilarating challenge: a bit like re-cutting the crown jewels" says David Stephen, Managing Director of Feral Interactive. "We are delighted with the result and hope that fans of this fantastic franchise will be too."

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  • Improved Visuals: Total War: ROME REMASTERED ushers the classic strategy title into the modern gaming era with full 4K visuals, native support for ultra-high-definition resolution and overhauled environment, battlefield, and character models.
  • New Gameplay Content: Wage war across new fronts with 16 previously unplayable factions to play on top of the original 22, and send the new Merchant agents on missions to establish lucrative trade networks across the map, buy out rival Merchants, and assert your empire’s economic power. 
  • Modern Features: Players can exercise more control than ever with new features such as a tactical map during battles, plus heat maps and icon overlays in campaign mode. Existing mechanics have also been improved, including an overhauled diplomacy system, wider camera zoom levels throughout the game, and camera rotation on the campaign map.
  • Improved Help Systems: A swathe of improved support has been added, including a redesigned tutorial, a new in-game Wiki, expansive advice and tooltips, and improved accessibility for colour blind players.
  • Cross-platform Multiplayer: Players can enjoy cross-platform multiplayer between Windows, macOS and Linux, a first for the Total War franchise.
  • Complete Content: Total War: ROME REMASTERED includes the Barbarian Invasion and Alexander expansions in glorious new detail, and players will also gain access to the original ROME: Total War Collection (Windows only).

"What better excuse than the 20th year of Total War to revisit a grand master?" says Rob Bartholomew, Chief Product Officer at Creative Assembly, "The original release of Rome marks a special time for us as our first major break-out title; it's amazing to get the opportunity to Remaster it with our friends at Feral."

The original Rome: Total War - Collection has been delisted from Steam now too, so that all focus goes into the new cross-platform enhanced version. Additionally, this remaster will also have modding support that will be available from launch.

It releases on April 29 and is now available to pre-order for £24.99 / $29.99 / €29.99 from Steam or directly from Feral Interactive via the Feral Store.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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x_wing Mar 25, 2021
The best total war!
gojul Mar 25, 2021
we're still missing :
- Total War Rome II
- Napoleon Total War
- The latest Total War locked on EGS...
a0kami Mar 25, 2021
I worked on the main menu for this.
BielFPs Mar 25, 2021
QuoteCross-platform Multiplayer: Players can enjoy cross-platform multiplayer between Windows, macOS and Linux
I wonder if the recent improvements with wine and proton helped them to finally make a cross-platform game port
Samsai Mar 25, 2021
Quoting: BielFPs
QuoteCross-platform Multiplayer: Players can enjoy cross-platform multiplayer between Windows, macOS and Linux
I wonder if the recent improvements with wine and proton helped them to finally make a cross-platform game port
It helps that they are in control of all versions of the remastered edition. They can intentionally use components that work the same on all platforms. The problems they've cited in the past with cross-platform multiplayer have been that they cannot change the Windows version to be compatible with the Linux and Mac ports and they cannot replicate the Windows behaviour on other platforms.
slaapliedje Mar 25, 2021
Quoting: aokamiI worked on the main menu for this.
Awesome, so if it's terrible we know who to blame! I mean far be it for people to praise it when it's awesome though! Kidding man, that's great. Maybe you can let us know how it was working on getting some cross-platform menus created :)
Comandante Ñoñardo Mar 25, 2021
While I don't like the Total War games, I like to see Feral Interactive becoming a Developer...
Dan_igrok Mar 25, 2021
It would be good if they could remaster the AI as well.

"oh a wall of super long pikes that will kill half of us for sure. CHAAAAAAAARGE!"
"My empire is crumbling, I am invaded from all sides, I have no money in my treasury. I'll still attack that human player's city with all I have. Maybe the 17th siege will finally work..."
"Boss, they have killed half of our troops with these archers. Shouldn't we retaliate or something? Nay, we don't have cavalry, let's just wait till they are out of arrows"

I played this game to death back in the day, and I have fond memories of all the campaigns I played. But in the end, every battle was about exploiting the AI stupidity...
BielFPs Mar 25, 2021
Quoting: Dan_igrokIt would be good if they could remaster the AI as well.

"oh a wall of super long pikes that will kill half of us for sure. CHAAAAAAAARGE!"
"My empire is crumbling, I am invaded from all sides, I have no money in my treasury. I'll still attack that human player's city with all I have. Maybe the 17th siege will finally work..."
"Boss, they have killed half of our troops with these archers. Shouldn't we retaliate or something? Nay, we don't have cavalry, let's just wait till they are out of arrows"

I played this game to death back in the day, and I have fond memories of all the campaigns I played. But in the end, every battle was about exploiting the AI stupidity...
They're dumb as the real life "world leaders". I call this a feature

Last edited by BielFPs on 25 March 2021 at 7:05 pm UTC
bakgwailo Mar 25, 2021
Quoting: Dan_igrokIt would be good if they could remaster the AI as well.

"oh a wall of super long pikes that will kill half of us for sure. CHAAAAAAAARGE!"
"My empire is crumbling, I am invaded from all sides, I have no money in my treasury. I'll still attack that human player's city with all I have. Maybe the 17th siege will finally work..."
"Boss, they have killed half of our troops with these archers. Shouldn't we retaliate or something? Nay, we don't have cavalry, let's just wait till they are out of arrows"

I played this game to death back in the day, and I have fond memories of all the campaigns I played. But in the end, every battle was about exploiting the AI stupidity...

Haha, as if the AI cared about or was limited by little things like money/income.
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