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It's been a little while since Valheim got a patch and it seems the developers have been busy, with the latest patch out now with one massive improvement.

Valheim has proven popular, obviously since it was selling millions each week recently but it seems they may have underestimated what people would be building in the game. They've now developed a whole new terrain-modification system - however, you shouldn't notice any difference. They say it was made to "reduce the number of network instances and make loading faster and smoother" along with minor changes to the hoe and pickaxe along with smoother loading "of areas with a lot of terrain modifications".

Here's what else changed:

  • Swamp draugr spawner location fix to prevent draugrs from spawning inside stones
  • Lox pet-sfx fix
  • Torches in locations should no longer support constructions
  • Dolmen location stone size fix
  • New terrain modification system
  • Terrain-modification priority changed (Terrain modifications in an area should load before buildings, only applies to the new terrain modification system)
  • World loading tweaks (to fix issues with ships and buildings getting damaged while loading)
  • Stop server list download when leaving the start menu (to decrease network bandwidth usage)
  • Lowered the amount of stone required to Raise ground using the hoe

The draugr spawning fixes is going to be very welcome. I've lost count of the amount of times a draugr archer inside a stone shot me to death - very annoying. Should make the Swamp a bit less brutal. Less stone to raise the ground is a good one too, that should please players making big builds without creative modes.

Now that such a major back-end upgrade is out, what are you hoping for in the next content update?

Buy Valheim on the Humble Store or Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Nanobang Apr 19, 2021
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We stopped playing just before they began fixing the bandwidth issues, but we'll be returning after playing through Dead Island 1 & Riptide. Every time I read about improvements and additions to Valheim, it makes me want to dive back in immediately! Now now now! XD
WorMzy Apr 19, 2021
Nice! I think I must've been lucky and only ever encountered one "entombed" draugr archer. I didn't realise it was as common as it apparently is.

I need to get back into this.
Ehvis Apr 19, 2021
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@Liam, I think that blue guy wants to borrow your boat.
slaapliedje Apr 19, 2021
Quoting: AkonadySo what really is the graphics about in this game?
They wanted to go for the look of a PS1 game, from my understanding.

I've only seen one Draugr that was stuck in stone, but fortunately he was not an archer. When I returned to the area, he'd popped out of the rock, and was easily dispatched. Though we did beat Yagluth last night. Now our plan is to go through all the bosses a second time so we can hang their heads around our keep!
g000h Apr 19, 2021
I'm keen to get Valheim eventually - I'm patient about these things, and just because 'everyone else' is playing it now doesn't mean I have to. Generally I buy later to take advantage of discounts as well.

This improvement upgrade is typical of the type of thing I'm going to get when I play my first fresh game - It'll be a more fleshed-out experience with less flaws.
DebianUser Apr 19, 2021
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: AkonadySo what really is the graphics about in this game?
They wanted to go for the look of a PS1 game, from my understanding.

I've only seen one Draugr that was stuck in stone, but fortunately he was not an archer. When I returned to the area, he'd popped out of the rock, and was easily dispatched. Though we did beat Yagluth last night. Now our plan is to go through all the bosses a second time so we can hang their heads around our keep!

Oh! it's seems they have a monster powered PS1, or they just forgot about PS1 graphics !

They are inspired by Zelda BOTW and PS1 graphics, the game is somewhere in the middle, with better light effects.

Last edited by DebianUser on 19 April 2021 at 3:50 pm UTC
slaapliedje Apr 19, 2021
Quoting: DebianUser
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: AkonadySo what really is the graphics about in this game?
They wanted to go for the look of a PS1 game, from my understanding.

I've only seen one Draugr that was stuck in stone, but fortunately he was not an archer. When I returned to the area, he'd popped out of the rock, and was easily dispatched. Though we did beat Yagluth last night. Now our plan is to go through all the bosses a second time so we can hang their heads around our keep!

Oh! it's seems they have a monster powered PS1, or they just forgot about PS1 graphics !

They are inspired by Zelda BOTW and PS1 graphics, the game is somewhere in the middle, with better light effects.
I wish it had a climbing mechanic like BOTW.

Actually I loved the climbing mechanic in Conan Exiles. It's a shame that game didn't get anywhere near the sales this one did. Conan Exiles was a blast, though if they had a random map generating mode, it'd have gone a long way to make it more fun. I also loved that Conan had a story line to it, but it was one you actually had to play through the game to pick up on it, and a proper ending to it as well.

Valheim, as it stands right now, definitely could use some more recipes for stuff. We have tons and tons of bone fragments, for example, with not much to make with it. There should be bone armor or something!
Botonoski Apr 19, 2021
The current implementation of terrain editing seems to be a fairly basic heightmap sort of thing, I have this vague hope that maybe they'll replace that implementation with something voxel based, as my desire to build underground viking dungeons is immense.
I have no expectations that this'll ever happen, I imagine it'd require a huge upheaval of the underlying systems in place, but a man can dream, frankly it's a saving grace that this game has terrain editing at all as so many in the genre do not.
Nezchan Apr 19, 2021
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: DebianUser
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: AkonadySo what really is the graphics about in this game?
They wanted to go for the look of a PS1 game, from my understanding.

I've only seen one Draugr that was stuck in stone, but fortunately he was not an archer. When I returned to the area, he'd popped out of the rock, and was easily dispatched. Though we did beat Yagluth last night. Now our plan is to go through all the bosses a second time so we can hang their heads around our keep!

Oh! it's seems they have a monster powered PS1, or they just forgot about PS1 graphics !

They are inspired by Zelda BOTW and PS1 graphics, the game is somewhere in the middle, with better light effects.
I wish it had a climbing mechanic like BOTW.

Actually I loved the climbing mechanic in Conan Exiles. It's a shame that game didn't get anywhere near the sales this one did. Conan Exiles was a blast, though if they had a random map generating mode, it'd have gone a long way to make it more fun. I also loved that Conan had a story line to it, but it was one you actually had to play through the game to pick up on it, and a proper ending to it as well.

Valheim, as it stands right now, definitely could use some more recipes for stuff. We have tons and tons of bone fragments, for example, with not much to make with it. There should be bone armor or something!

I would say that the lack of recipes for items you get a lot of (troll hide, bone fragments, maybe something to do with tree seeds?) is probably my biggest issue with the game. You end up just throwing away a lot of material, and that doesn't feel good. So having things you can make with all these extra bits that you quickly outgrow the need for would be nice.

Also, a way to make flat roof pieces that don't degrade quickly as they get rained on would be super.
einherjar Apr 19, 2021
Quoting: AkonadySo what really is the graphics about in this game?

Looks much better with this mod IMHO:
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