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Office Point Rescue Deja Vu is a brand new retro-themed first-person shooter from Magellanic Games, a bigger expanded version of the original from 2020.

"Terrorists have invaded and taken hostages in the Emeraldalo Corporation's headquaters.  Agent Foldon is assigned to infiltrate the building, dispatch the terrorists, rescue any surviving hostages and gather intel."

Check out our gameplay footage below to get a taste of it. The gameplay was on Easy mode, as I didn't want to spoil any surprises and difficult in the other modes. It gives you a good idea of what to expect though, thoroughly reminding me of some retro arcade shooters that took way too many coins.

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  • 11 levels spread across 2 routes.  Navigate the office building, finding secrets and rescuing survivors. 
  • Utilise 4 weapons to fight back foes - pistol, shotgun, sub-machine gun and the mighty lightgun.
  • Choose from 3 tuned difficulties.
  • Save your progress.  Return to the last level you reached with all your items, guns and ammo.  No need to play through in a single sitting.
  • 2 Additional unlockable modes - Giant Head Mode and Lightgun Mode
  • Switchable graphics mode, enjoy in the original low-resolution mode or in clear, crisp high resolution.
  • Full retro midi-like soundtrack.

Find it free on While free, you can donate to the developer when you go to download it if you feel their work is worth supporting.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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drlamb May 6, 2021
Why do these games always have you collecting Intel? Why can't you collect AMD as well??

Oet_ May 6, 2021
Anybody know how to get this working on an ultrawide? :) It is stretched fullscreen.
Calinou May 9, 2021
Quoting: FaalhaasAnybody know how to get this working on an ultrawide? :) It is stretched fullscreen.

Unfortunately, if the developer didn't plan for it, that's not possible.

The developer should use the `expand` stretch aspect project setting instead of `ignore` (which distorts the image) or `keep` (which adds black bars). Then they should configure their UI nodes to use correct anchors so that UI elements go in the correct corners when the aspect ratio changes. Documentation about supporting multiple resolutions in Godot can be found here:

Last edited by Calinou on 9 May 2021 at 12:58 am UTC
Oet_ May 10, 2021
Quoting: CalinouUnfortunately, if the developer didn't plan for it, that's not possible.
Too bad. I was kinda hoping I could fix it (as a user) by e.g. hex editing or some Godot hack.
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