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Stadia has confirmed another few new announcements for their Linux-powered game streaming service that will be coming soon. Some out now, some have no release date yet.

Two recently we missed were Street Power Football and Hundred Days, both of which are out now and available on the Stadia store.

As for other titles coming up? Just this week they announced Super Animal Royale and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse will be coming over to Stadia. Super Animal Royale will be "Coming Soon" with no clearer date. It's going to be free to play too, so it gives people yet another chance to try out something on Stadia with no commitment to anything.

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Meanwhile Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is said to be coming out on Stadia "Summer 2021".

If you missed it, Stadia claim the service is "alive and well" in a recent interview. Certainly will be interesting to see how long Stadia sticks around for, with ~100 games coming to it this year. Stadia still have a problem of getting their marketing right too - so many people still don't quite understand Stadia itself is free as Stadia Pro is an optional subscription to get free games and 4K support (varies between games). Stadia really need to be making all of it a lot clearer for potential people to sign up to it.

Play Stadia on Linux on Stadia.com with a Chromium browser.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Mohandevir May 17, 2021
I just hope Google will up their marketing game when Stadia will be officially launched on AndroidTV... Maybe some special promo, among an official launch event, for the occasion?

It may be related to infra-structure growth limitations, but I'm still wondering why they launched Stadia without AndroidTV support... Imo, it's such a natural match. Unless Google thinks Stadia is still in "open beta"? It seems to be the case, for some developers, at least.

Last edited by Mohandevir on 17 May 2021 at 2:39 pm UTC
Quoting: MohandevirI just hope Google will up their marketing game when Stadia will be officially launched on AndroidTV... Maybe some special promo, among an official launch event, for the occasion?

It may be related to infra-structure growth limitations, but I'm still wondering why they launched Stadia without AndroidTV support... Imo, it's such a natural match. Unless Google thinks Stadia is still in "open beta"? It seems to be the case, for some developers, at least.
I hope their upped-marketing will include clearly telling people "You don't need a subscription to play on Google Stadia. You can sign up for free and buy games individually, just like other non-subscription stores."
DerpFox May 19, 2021
I hope for you guys that will change. Because if they keep going that way people trust into Google won't get better. And I'm afraid Stadia will one day follow the way of the dodo. And I don't want that because I think that's a good service.
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