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Spindle certainly has an interesting premise that's worth keeping an eye on. You take on the role of Death, as you try to find out why no one seems to able to die, with your pet Pig companion.

"Spindle is an old-school zeldaesque action-adventure where you slip into the role of Death. But you won't be alone: A loyal companion, a friend who will stay at your side even through the darkest of times, a mate you can always rely on will always follow you: The pig. Your little shiny pink buddy. In fact, the pig is more than that. It will help you on your mission, to restore the natural order."

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The developers plans full Linux support at release. With it using Godot Engine, the native Linux version should work very nicely since Godot has excellent Linux support.

It's currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter, with a €55,000 goal they need to hit by August 30. They do have a publisher on board with Deck13 who will be helping with "Marketing, PR, QA, and other things" that they need but the main funding will come from the Kickstarter to finish development.

You can download the demo from Steam or try it in your browser.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Purple Library Guy Jul 29, 2021
The premise sounds cool to me. And I have nothing against Zelda-esque action adventures. But the combination seems weird. 'Cause, like, Death is apparently just some schmuck who can be whacked by a slime or something, which feels wrong to me, plus if they succeed it raises all kinds of existential questions. And, Death, and even Death's pig, seem to go around killing things left and right when the premise says the problem is nobody can die. I mean, I can see an exception where nobody can normally die but if Death exerts his power personally it's still curtains. But how's the pig doing it?

Edited to add: Also the trailer seems to show Death needing to hit things multiple times. Not even bosses, just random-encounter-looking thingies. Shouldn't it be like "I am Death. Taste my scythe . . . briefly." one touch and gone?

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 29 July 2021 at 10:51 pm UTC
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