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Just recently we had Epic Games announce that Easy Anti-Cheat now offers proper native Linux support and in addition support for Wine and Steam Play Proton - now we have BattlEye also confirming the same readying up for the Steam Deck.

They announced this in a short and to the point Twitter post:

BattlEye has provided native Linux and Mac support for a long time and we can announce that we will also support the upcoming Steam Deck (Proton). This will be done on an opt-in basis with game developers choosing whether they want to allow it or not.

So again developers will have a bit of work to do as it's not going to be automatic, so it remains to be seen what developers will actually enable this. Considering the Steam Deck has already seemingly done quite well on reservations, there will be a lot of disappointed players if some games are blocked when they ship with the Arch Linux-based SteamOS 3 distribution.

BattlEye was another blocker for Proton, not working, despite so many popular online Windows games using it. Games that currently use BattlEye include (but not limited to):

  • Conan Exiles
  • DayZ
  • Planetside 2

Even though it's opt-in like EAC, it's still very important progress. Now is the time to make developers aware that you want to see their games get this hooked up and ready.

A good time to remind game developers and readers to ensure you email us news tips, especially if a game enables this to start working so we don't miss it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Sep 24, 2021
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Planetside 2... I last played that in 2012, on Windows, a year before jumping ship forever. It's... it's still going???

This is all just incredible. Amazing. I'm gobsmacked. Valve just smacked me in the gob!
ThatOneGuy Sep 24, 2021
Heck yes, keep them coming Valve!
scaine Sep 24, 2021
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Quoting: GuestAnd it's opt-in... Fantastic 🙄

Pretty much the only way this would work is opt-in. Any attempts to bypass the anti-cheat without support would risk looking like cheating!
WorMzy Sep 24, 2021
Clearly Valve have been making waves with the Steam Deck announcement -- big industry players, previously indifferent (at best) towards Linux gaming, are now starting to see the light. Hopefully there will be a large percentage of developers that "opt-in" to the proton support, and those that don't get consigned to the history books as short-sighted naysayers.

Personally I don't give a flying fuck about anticheat, but this is still good news for those who play online multiplayer games.
Brisse Sep 24, 2021
Quoting: GuestAnd it's opt-in... Fantastic 🙄

Laissez-faire freedom, heck yeah!

Purple Library Guy Sep 24, 2021
Well. Another shoe. I was wondering if it would drop.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 24 September 2021 at 8:40 pm UTC
AussieEevee Sep 24, 2021
Absolutely hate the fact that this and EAC are opt in. Willing to bet most game devs won’t check that box for proton support.

I mean, this is definitely a good thing, but it still requires developer cooperation. I won’t be playing PUBG or Far Cry 5 on Linux any time soon, if ever.
wytrabbit Sep 24, 2021
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Quoting: AussieEeveeWilling to bet most game devs won’t check that box for proton support.

If they want to sell games to Steam Deck owners, you're damn right they will.
Julius Sep 24, 2021
I hope this will not end up in a story of one big game opting in, seeing some Linux based cheaters, then opting out again and claiming on Twitter that all it does is bringing in cheaters as the number of legit Linux players is so low (or some shortsighted BS like that).
BielFPs Sep 24, 2021
So we can have Dead By Daylight, Fortnite, PUGB and Rainbow Six Siege (only missing League of Legends as one of the nowadays relevant popular games).

Now the only thing that is left is Steam Deck to be relevant to mainstream users, because game companies will surely opt-in to surf in the deck hype, but they can can also give up as fast as such like the wave of native ports caused by steam machines before.

And in my opinion: If all of this, combined by windows 11 scheduled obsolescence, doesn't make some considerable difference in the adoption of Linux Desktop (more than 0,*) then I don't think anything will.
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