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Looks like Valve sent out quite a lot of Steam Deck developer kits

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You probably heard recently that Valve was readying up Steam Deck developer kits and now we can see that quite a lot of developers have received one. Not just the big lot either, developers of all sorts across the world seem to be getting them and showing them off.

The thing is that for it to be a success, you don't just want the top most played games working well - you want as many as possible across every genre that developers have managed to created. Valve is clearly aware of this of course and you can see that in who they've approved for a Steam Deck dev kit.

Here's a a little round-up bundle of developers / publishers that have been showing off their dev kits:

We could keep going for a while (there's a lot) but hopefully you found this small slice interesting.

It's getting very exciting to see such a huge push and seeing so many developers genuinely excited about it and impressed. Such a completely different world to the old Steam Machines. Hopefully this really will get developers to pay attention to Linux more, although some are likely to only support the Steam Deck specifically. Our reservation is in the Q1 2022 batch so we have to wait a while.

For those that also somehow missed it both Easy Anti-Cheat and BattlEye also recently announced support.

The question to you: what will be the first game you play on the Steam Deck when it arrives? It's a question that seems easy but I've been asking it myself and I'm completely lost.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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WorMzy Sep 27, 2021
Looking at my Steam library, specifically at games with full controller support, I'm leaning towards The Long Dark. Might give Metro Exodus another chance, hopefully I won't get bitten by the Caspian Sea lighthouse glitch and lose all my items again.. Then there's Graveyard Keeper, something which I've been meaning to pick up again...

Last edited by WorMzy on 27 September 2021 at 1:54 pm UTC
Wrzlprnft Sep 27, 2021
Hades will be the first game I'll load and just try to play.

The first test on whether it can run it or not, where I am not expecting it to run it very well is probably going to be Star Citizen.

The first I'll try to complete is probably going to be Hollow Knight, though.

Last edited by Wrzlprnft on 27 September 2021 at 11:38 am UTC
lessster Sep 27, 2021
Currently I am thinking that the first game I am going to play on the Steam Deck will be Orcs Must Die 3.
This might still change during the time that is going to pass until I get the device in my hands in reality, but nonetheless I am really excited for it.

Last edited by lessster on 27 September 2021 at 11:46 am UTC
vildravn Sep 27, 2021
Probably gonna try Noita, APICO, as well as some non-steam games like Guild Wars 2 and potentially something a bit more interesting like firing up Godot Engine :)
dubigrasu Sep 27, 2021
I didn't ordered one, probably never will since I'm not interested in handhelds (dock-able or not).
I would've ordered one if it was possible to use it as a controller in a proper way (remote play doesn't count).
I'm more interested in the SteamOS version that will run.
dubigrasu Sep 27, 2021
You know, I'm interested in one thing, when Valve ships these kits to developers is there any clause that says (more or less): We would prefer to run your game testing on the actual SteamOS that is shipped with the device, and not installing Windows right away"?
I'm saying that because I've seen at least two videos where the devs were just running plain Windows (though maybe externally) on the kit that they received.

Last edited by dubigrasu on 27 September 2021 at 12:32 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Sep 27, 2021
Quoting: rustybroomhandleMore X-Plane. https://twitter.com/feresignum/status/1442263301283401729
Already linked in the article ;)
scaine Sep 27, 2021
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First game? I had the same thought a few weeks back, so I created this forum post to chat about it. There's too many games that will be epic on this device. I'm insanely hyped for its arrival, but like you, Liam, I'm in the Q1 2022 allocation. <sigh>

Hopefully we'll see some anti-cheat landing long before then, though. Exciting times!
Corben Sep 27, 2021
For me the first game to try is probably Everspace 2!
What a surprise, hm?
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