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Check out some upcoming games made with Godot Engine

By - | Views: 22,099

Godot Engine is the feature-filled free and open source game engine. Want to see some games that are being made with it? Well we've got good news there, as the team just released their latest showreel.

Before we get into the video though, here's a list of all the games featured and a link for where you can find out more to make it easy for you. In order of appearance:

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We're always excited to see what developers using Godot are doing, since it has some of the best cross-platform support around. Nice to see plenty of them plan to offer Linux support too. Not surprising though, given the aforementioned great support Godot itself provides for Linux.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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davidak Nov 15, 2021
Cat Cafe Manager is a very cute idea!
Anza Nov 15, 2021
Last Steam Next festival had quite lot of Linux games that happened to use Godot. Some developers seem to be even positively enthusiastic about it.

Which is good as it doesn't hurt to have competitor for Unity.
denyasis Nov 15, 2021
Wow, they all look really nice!
drmoth Nov 16, 2021
Don't forget Tail Quest - also super cute, and made with Blender and Godot. The devs are Linux users.

Last edited by drmoth on 16 November 2021 at 3:35 am UTC
Anza Nov 16, 2021
Quoting: drmothDon't forget Tail Quest - also super cute, and made with Blender and Godot. The devs are Linux users.

Who happen to also have account here. Too bad the demo is not up right now, it was available during the Steam Next Fest.
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