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The Go Godot Jam 2 starts November 19

By - | Views: 11,948

Ready to try out the free and open source Godot Engine? Here's a fun chance. As part of the month-long Go Godot Jam 2 Festival, their Game Jam will start soon!

The main target for the whole thing is of course the Godot audience, however the Festival as a whole is hoping to bring in new people into gave development and showcase Godot as a solid alternative for people looking to switch engines. Officially, the actual Game Jam starts on November 19 but at 10PM UTC the timer ticking down on the itch.io page is up where the actual theme will be revealed.

As part of the event, the organisers have been producing regular content on YouTube for Godot like an interview with game developer John Watson, who created Gravity Ace.

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They're also doing a fundraiser to help the Godot team, future events and to put money into the Game Jam Prize Pool. The GOTM.IO website is also donating $5 to the Prize Pool for every game uploaded to it from the Go Godot Jam 2.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Nov 20, 2021
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Kinda stinks that only 10% of the donations goes to the prize pool. Looking forward to what comes out of this.
Anza Nov 20, 2021
Quoting: 14Kinda stinks that only 10% of the donations goes to the prize pool. Looking forward to what comes out of this.

What I have read is that Godot is missing some funding, so it would make sense to collect most of the money for the project.
Eike Nov 20, 2021
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Quoting: AnzaWhat I have read is that Godot is missing some funding, so it would make sense to collect most of the money for the project.

I was under the impression they gather quite some grants lately? (Ok, I know good developers aren't cheap.)
Anza Nov 20, 2021
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: AnzaWhat I have read is that Godot is missing some funding, so it would make sense to collect most of the money for the project.

I was under the impression they gather quite some grants lately? (Ok, I know good developers aren't cheap.)

Too bad I wasn't able to find recent budget report. They do have target for funding four full time developers though on Patreon.
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