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Valve broke Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Linux, Vulkan may come soon

By - | Views: 43,135

Update: 14/12/21 - This has now been fixed.

Despite Valve pushing many areas of Linux gaming, including the upcoming Steam Deck handheld which will use the Arch-based SteamOS 3, they still totally break their own games.

It's pretty concerning that their absolute #1 most popular game on Steam, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, has been thoroughly broken on Linux (and macOS) with the update that landed on Friday, December 10. First, the game wouldn't even launch at all which was thankfully fixed - but there's a pretty huge game-breaking problem still left in.

For this, I don't really need to do much explaining, I think these pictures speak for me:

You can track the open issue for it on GitHub.

It does raise an important question - are Valve even testing updates to their own games on Linux? Something like this should not have slipped through the cracks. If it does when the Steam Deck is out, what hope is there? Valve need to do better. Also, don't deploy on a Friday, you dummies.

There's probably some better news coming though, as it appears Valve are preparing Vulkan support for CS:GO with the use of DXVK-Native just like they did for Portal 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and Half-Life 2. As we posted about recently on Twitter, a new "-vulkan" string was added and you can also see DXVK libs being added too.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Dec 13, 2021
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I just can't believe that they a) they didn't test b) they pushed on a Friday and then, the final nail c) they did absolutely nothing about it all weekend. Incompetent.
yar4e Dec 13, 2021
What a shame...
Nitsuga Dec 13, 2021
This damn game has been crashing for months now, it all started with the ironic "Broken Fang" update.
L4D2 native crashes a lot as well. It truly feels like a joke.
Arten Dec 13, 2021
There is possibility that their tested it, but on experimental SteamOS 3.0, where everything worked...
TheSHEEEP Dec 13, 2021
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Quoting: scaineI just can't believe that they a) they didn't test b) they pushed on a Friday and then, the final nail c) they did absolutely nothing about it all weekend. Incompetent
As someone who works freelance and switches projects about 2-3 times per year, let me tell you:

I can totally believe that.
The levels of incompetence and complete breakdown of communications on multiple levels I have seen in some companies (that you'd think would be more professional given their size) would make most people revert to their pre-landfall evolutionary state just to cope if they heard it.

The longer I work in IT, the more miraculous I find it that everything around us that is software does not crash and burn 99% of the time.
rustybroomhandle Dec 13, 2021
Whaddya mean, I think plastic wibble man looks awesome.
fagnerln Dec 13, 2021
I'm not following those issues, but on Reddit everyone that posted was using nvidia. This is happening on Mesa too?
fabertawe Dec 13, 2021
His trousers look just like mine. I do have very wobbly legs though.
M@GOid Dec 13, 2021
Quoting: NitsugaThis damn game has been crashing for months now, it all started with the ironic "Broken Fang" update.
L4D2 native crashes a lot as well. It truly feels like a joke.

I was about to say it. This is not the first time this happens with CS:GO on Linux.

Also L4D2 on Linux is more crashy than before, and is not only on Linux. My friends on Windows occasionally crash too, but less often than me.
CFWhitman Dec 13, 2021
I work in an IT Department, and, "Don't deploy on Friday," is probably our number one rule. If you deploy something on Friday and it causes a problem over the weekend (and you are not the one on call), you will get bawled out.
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