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Proton Experimental Beta gets Steam Deck performance fix for ELDEN RING

By - | Views: 38,364

Are you finding that ELDEN RING has some mad stuttering when loading things in the background? Valve has released an update for Proton Experimental in the bleeding-edge Beta to help.

Writing on Twitter, Valve developer Pierre-Loup Griffais mentioned:

The graphics team has been hard at work on optimizing ELDEN RING for Steam Deck. Fixes for heavy stutter during background streaming of assets will be available in a Proton release next week, but are available to test now on the bleeding-edge branch of Experimental.

Steam Deck specifically is mentioned, but if you see the same issue on desktop Linux it's worth a try too for ELDEN RING. Amazing to see Valve act so quickly to improve such a fresh game release.

How to access the bleeding-edge branch? It's very simple. For Steam Deck users, here's a quick howto:

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A good excuse to show off the Steam Green keyboard theme…

For desktop users: simply search for Proton Experimental in your Steam Library, open the right click Properties menu and go to the Betas tab. Then just select bleeding-edge from the dropdown box and let it update.

It's not wise to keep that on all the time, as it can have breakage but if you really want ELDEN RING to perform a bit better now - do it.

Available to buy on Humble Store and Steam.

On top of that more fixes came in for: Fable, The Force Unleashed 2, and GTA IV with Proton. However, you don't need any software update. Just restart Steam or your Deck to pick it up, as Valve has just enabled a few special options to launch with.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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StalePopcorn Feb 27, 2022
Awesome. Love that Proton team!
NoSt Feb 27, 2022
Judging from a lot of negative reviews on Steam it seems that the game is poorly optimized. Maybe after a few patches from the developers there won't be a need for Valve to make their own fixes.
Still, thumbs up to Valve and the Proton team!
scaine Feb 27, 2022
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I've been really enjoying the game on Proton GE 7.3, but a) it doesn't support EAC and b) it freezes after almost exactly 2 hours of playing. I haven't looked into why. But no stutter that I've noticed. Reasonable performance too, albeit I'm playing 1080p. I'm going to try the full-screen hack to see if I can get it even smoother in the more complex scenes. Beautiful game though, and very little of the frustration I felt when playing DS3.
emod Feb 27, 2022
In my case, I'm getting like 15-25 fps, no matter if I'm outside or in a dungeon. I'm even getting a message telling me that I can't play online since my framerate is so low and it throws me to the main menu :(

All this with a Ryzen 3600X and a RX 5700 XT.

Ahh man, I'm sad, I wanted to play this so bad, but I guess I'll be waiting a few weeks to see if it gets better.

Quoting: scaineI've been really enjoying the game on Proton GE 7.3, but a) it doesn't support EAC...
In the bleeding-edge version this appears to be fixed.
rustybroomhandle Feb 27, 2022
Quoting: emodIn the bleeding-edge version this appears to be fixed.

Seems to be here, but with Experimental bleeding-edge it does not seem to load Steam Input and the Overlay and my controller is not recognised.
scaine Feb 27, 2022
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Quoting: emodAll this with a Ryzen 3600X and a RX 5700 XT.
Those are pretty much my specs, so I'm not sure what you're running into there!

Quoting: emod
Quoting: scaineI've been really enjoying the game on Proton GE 7.3, but a) it doesn't support EAC...
In the bleeding-edge version this appears to be fixed.
I might be wrong, but I believe that the existing 7.3 release simply bypasses EAC, which allows single-player to load.

Quoting: rustybroomhandleSeems to be here, but with Experimental bleeding-edge it does not seem to load Steam Input and the Overlay and my controller is not recognised.
I've heard as much for Experimental, but controller support seems pretty solid (for me) on GE. At least my dualsense (PS5) controller works perfectly.
scaine Feb 27, 2022
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Quoting: GuestGame has been running perfect for me on a GTX 1660 super. Users having issues maybe need to update their GPU driver?

I have a few videos of the game on my YouTube account. Keep in mind I'm recording and still getting good performance on High 1080p.:

Oh my god... I thought you weren't gonna find that run button, dude! That was a frustrating, but hilarious couple of naked dungeon dives there!
Code_Eye Feb 28, 2022
Quoting: NoStJudging from a lot of negative reviews on Steam it seems that the game is poorly optimized. Maybe after a few patches from the developers there won't be a need for Valve to make their own fixes.
Still, thumbs up to Valve and the Proton team!

Actually the game is pretty well optimized in general. It seems the background streaming is the main issue. I suspect the game relies on direct storage tech on consoles. Im curious if they made the release date expecting windows to have dorect storage already enabled by then. And are now having issues because it is t yet.
scaine Feb 28, 2022
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Quoting: Code_Eye
Quoting: NoStJudging from a lot of negative reviews on Steam it seems that the game is poorly optimized. Maybe after a few patches from the developers there won't be a need for Valve to make their own fixes.
Still, thumbs up to Valve and the Proton team!

Actually the game is pretty well optimized in general. It seems the background streaming is the main issue. I suspect the game relies on direct storage tech on consoles. Im curious if they made the release date expecting windows to have dorect storage already enabled by then. And are now having issues because it is t yet.

I'm also gobsmacked at the loading times, which are barely long enough to read a single hint/tip. Which is good, because it briefly reloads after every death, and I'm fairly certain I'm well past my 100th death. Like, WELL past. As in, it was waaaaay the hell back there. Keep going. Keep... going...

Yeah, about there.
drlamb Feb 28, 2022
Quoting: scaineb) it freezes after almost exactly 2 hours of playing.

Glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this. It's happened twice thus far.
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