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Alice: Madness Returns is an absolute classic from Spicy Horse Games and EA. It vanished from Steam for years and it recently arrived back. With Proton on Linux and Steam Deck, it does work quite well too!

The Windows version is locked to 30FPS, although there is an easy fix to put it into 60FPS. Simply go into the right click -> Properties menu, local files -> browse. From there go into AliceGame -> Config -> open up DefaultEngine.ini and look for the first place it says "MaxSmoothedFrameRate" and change that to 60. That's it and you're good to go. One thing to mention is that, at least on Steam Deck, there are some lighting glitches present. It's not overly distracting but a few of the flashes may cause issues for some people.

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Great news, as I know a fair few people who loved Alice: Madness Returns and now it's free of Origin once again. Installation and setup for Steam Deck / Linux is a simple click and no funny business.

A third game "Alice: Asylum" is still a possibility, which American McGee released a potential script for back in 2021.

Alice: Madness Returns is 60% off on Steam until March 28.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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lejimster Mar 22, 2022
I always smile when I see news on these games. My friend works for American McGee since the Spicy Horse studio days (now defunct). I haven't asked what they're actually working on right now, but it was a hope that they'd do another Alice sequel.
Linas Mar 22, 2022
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Now if they also added the original American McGee's Alice, and I would throw money at them so hard it would hurt.
Cybolic Mar 22, 2022
Worth noting is that it's "free" if you're subscribed to "EA Play" on Steam.
Liam Dawe Mar 22, 2022
Quoting: CybolicWorth noting is that it's "free" if you're subscribed to "EA Play" on Steam.
I'm facepalming so hard because I purchased it just to do this, even though I have EA Play. Can't refund, as Valve already sent me one of those naughty-naughty you're refunding too much emails <_<. Unlike other titles, it doesn't have the Play with EA Play banner on the store page.

Last edited by Liam Dawe on 22 March 2022 at 4:02 pm UTC
toor Mar 22, 2022
instant buy
BalkanSpy Mar 22, 2022
Alice: Madness Returns is for me one of the best games ever made. Sure, gameplaywise it is mediocre, but from an artistic point of view (the story, music, atmosphere, level design and art direction) it is a masterpiece. That level made out of floating cards left me breathless.

I really hope the sequel gets made one day, but seeing that the original teaser is from 2019 it doesn't make me feel optimistic.

Quoting: LinasNow if they also added the original American McGee's Alice, and I would throw money at them so hard it would hurt.

IIRC the original American McGee's Alice is included in Alice: Madness Returns. You can play them separately.
Purple Library Guy Mar 22, 2022
It occurs to me that if the nearly-endless-copyright regime had taken hold a bit sooner, this and all the other Alice variations would be illegal.
Termy Mar 22, 2022
I really loved this back in the day...and judging by the screenshots it aged way better than other games of that aera ^^

Quoting: CybolicWorth noting is that it's "free" if you're subscribed to "EA Play" on Steam.

But you still need origin for that, right? Or does that work seamless with proton nowadays?
Cybolic Mar 22, 2022
Quoting: TermyI really loved this back in the day...and judging by the screenshots it aged way better than other games of that aera ^^

Quoting: CybolicWorth noting is that it's "free" if you're subscribed to "EA Play" on Steam.

But you still need origin for that, right? Or does that work seamless with proton nowadays?

I just tried it and it downloaded and launched directly into the game; didn't notice any Origin process starting.
ridge Mar 22, 2022
Great game!! Really recommend anyone reading to pick it up if it remotely seems like your kind of thing. Hopefully those issues get ironed out soon.

Last edited by ridge on 22 March 2022 at 9:11 pm UTC
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