Confused on Steam Play and Proton? Be sure to check out our guide.
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This is a short update to my previous guide on installing the Epic Games store on the Steam Deck using Proton, plus how to enable access to an SD Card.

My original guide was included in this article in a video, which has gone on to see a lot of people happy with it. It's now been used across PCGamer, Gamespot, CNET and no doubt others who decided to use it. CNET even ended up making their own video, which I had to poke them to actually credit me for — so that was fun (they now have).

There's better ways to do it, including using the Heroic Games Launcher but for those who wish to continue this method, here's an update on fixing it when it dies and to access the SD Card:

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Text guide notes:

The initial install using this method gives us a Win32 folder where the Epic Games launcher file resides. After an EGS update, there's now a Win64 folder. You need to edit your shortcut in Steam to point to Win64 instead by just editing the text on both lines, and that will fix it not opening.

As for the SD Card, that cannot be access by default with this method as Proton runs inside a container. However, you can tell it to allow it by adding this as a launch option in the right click -> Properties section of the shortcut:

STEAM_COMPAT_MOUNTS=/your/sd/card/address/ %command%

You can find the correct address using the Dolphin file manager, scrolling down to the Removable Devices and opening Primary. Near the top of the window where it lists the folder name, click next to it and the address will appear for you to copy. For example mine is "/run/media/mmcblk0p1/", which might be the same across most Decks.

Be sure to follow GamingOnLinux on YouTube, plus Twitch where I'm doing regular direct-capture livestreams from the Steam Deck with a capture card.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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thelimeydragon Mar 8, 2022
I've said it in a comment in another video, but I think would be a good idea to make a more general guide on hidden files and common locations for game data and exploring\explaining individual game prefixes/editing the registry on each prefix/etc.

As some people might not realise that each game runs in it's own instance or wonder why certain games can't find another games data (because it's in a difference instance)
Liam Dawe Mar 8, 2022
Quoting: thelimeydragonI've said it in a comment in another video, but I think would be a good idea to make a more general guide on hidden files and common locations for game data and exploring\explaining individual game prefixes/editing the registry on each prefix/etc.

As some people might not realise that each game runs in it's own instance or wonder why certain games can't find another games data (because it's in a difference instance)
Entirely possible, but probably to come later.
Liam Dawe Mar 9, 2022
Quoting: GuestYou can use Bottles, which has an installer for the Epic Games Store here.

Makes setting it up much easier plus they have installers for other launchers too.
I actually have a small guide in progress on EA App with Bottles...coming up tomorrow.
TheRiddick Mar 9, 2022
Quoting: GuestYou can use Bottles, which has an installer for the Epic Games Store here.

Bottles UI currently has ALLOT of jank going on so people thinking about using it, be aware of that jank.
dopeytree Apr 13, 2022
hi my GOG & Ubisoft doesn't have full drive access...
STEAM_COMPAT_MOUNTS=/home/deck/ %command%
can you advise on better command... not sure if /home is correct?
Data is in /home/deck/games
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