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GameMaker on Linux gets big improvements and Steam Deck support

By - | Views: 16,535

GameMaker Studio 2 is now just GameMaker, and there's a new update out with some dramatic improvements for Linux game exports and Steam Deck support.

For far too long, GameMaker exports for Linux have required some very specific dependencies, which often caused issues for developers as they weren't included directly. Game developers had to go and manually grab these files to include with the Linux games. Now, that's not required - at least for Steam anyway.

If developers are putting their games on Steam, the export there will now properly target the Steam Linux Runtime, where Valve handle the dependencies and include a ton of them. It's what all Steam games for Linux should target. This means games should be click and play on Steam, with developers not needing extra steps. With this, they've also added direct support for the Steam Deck.

On top of that, their "Ubuntu (Linux)" target now gives an AppImage.

Their video player also got a nice upgrade, which now works on all platforms.

I have to say, I was a bit worried when YoYo Games were acquired by Opera but they seem to be doing some pretty good upgrades lately. It's just a shame they moved over to subscriptions for the software.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Apr 1, 2022
...hopefully not April Fools? GameMaker is still a source of good indie games 👍️
Liam Dawe Apr 1, 2022
Quoting: hardpenguin...hopefully not April Fools? GameMaker is still a source of good indie games 👍️
Nope, it was released yesterday, it's a proper update.
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