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Lumencraft hits 20,000 copies in the first week, roadmap detailed

By - | Views: 17,623

Lumencraft, a recent Early Access release from 2Dynamic Games that offers up Native Linux support powered by Godot Engine seems to have been a hit.

Blending together a top-down shooter with tower defense strategy elements, and mining through every wall you possibly can to get resources, it's quite something. I got fully sucked into blasting through it on release day and can't wait to see all the extras they plan to add in.

In the announcement on Steam, they announced the 20,000 milestone for the first 7 days. Given how many games are releasing all the time, it's still a nice achievement considering this is an in-development title.

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As for what's to come for the game, they've now also put up a roadmap and it sounds pretty exciting including: new maps, new terrain textures, a better user interface, hero classes, robot helper pets, more enemies and weapons, dynamic water and eventually at the full release there will also be a story campaign to play through.

Available to buy on GOG and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Apr 22, 2022
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OK, that does look cool!
page Apr 22, 2022
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Nice! This reminds me a lot of Phobia. I spent countless hours on that game!
hardpenguin Apr 23, 2022
Very impressive, good job Star Drifters and 2Dynamic 😎
hardpenguin Apr 23, 2022
Quoting: pageNice! This reminds me a lot of Phobia. I spent countless hours on that game!
Ooooh, Phobia 2 <3
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