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Since Diablo Immortal is the hot new thing, I decided to attempt to give it a go on Steam Deck. Turns out the launcher really hates some connections, here's a fix and a Diablo Immortal video.

Currently, Diablo Immortal does work on Steam Deck (and so Linux desktops too) but it seems gamepad support is not working yet. So you will need to use Steam Input to adjust your configuration of any gamepad or Steam Deck to act like a keyboard and mouse. For the most part, that works reasonably well, not that I would recommend it considering the ridiculous micro-transactions involved in the game.

Firstly, here's the video of it running:

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You might find the launcher which you can install easily with Lutris (Steam Deck Lutris Guide) can take forever to actually load or do anything. Now, this might be specific to whatever WiFi hardware you have, in my case it's the Google Mesh WiFi system and Blizzard don't seem to like it. An easy fix though is to manually set your DNS to (or any other free DNS service). On Steam Deck, simply right click on the WiFi icon in Desktop Mode and hit Configure Network Connections:

From there in the IPv4 (and IPv6 tab if you use it), switch it to "Automatic (Only addresses)" in the Method dropdown box and then set DNS Servers to After that, disconnect and reconnect via the WiFi icon on your Plasma taskbar at the bottom and then reload and it will work properly. It's incredibly weird but it works.

Once done you can properly use the launcher on Steam Deck, if you also had this weird problem.

You can also add Lutris to Steam as a Non-Steam game, which allows you to launch Lutris and Diablo Immortal in Gaming Mode (so you're not stuck in Desktop Mode). I can confirm that also works just fine.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BTRE Jun 6, 2022
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  • Contributing Editor
Quote[...] not that I would recommend it considering the ridiculous micro-transactions involved in the game.
Bit of an understatement given that apparently it costs nearly £90k to fully upgrade a character

Still, cool that it works even if it does require some faffing about with network settings.
Liam Dawe Jun 6, 2022
Food: £20
Internet: £30
Water: £20
Diablo Immortal Micro: £100,000
Mortgage: £400

someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
elmapul Jun 6, 2022
the type of game that counts as -1 game on the library...
catbox_fugue Jun 6, 2022
how about no
Mal Jun 6, 2022
  • Supporter
Awesome! I just need the 100k to finish the game now.

Jokes aside, I admire Blizzard problem solving skills:

- Develop Diablo III masterpiece
- Boardroom crooks push to ruin it with bad drop rates and real money action house
- get backlash from angry PC gamers
- Blizzard forced to release a dlc with no ah and balanced drops.
- game becomes a (true) masterpiece
- Boardroom finally learnt its lesson: for next Diablo they drop pc gamers altogether and move to mobile junkies to sell their addictive microtransaction shit.

If it wasn't that we still don't have a proper Diablo IV I would actually be grateful to them for not trying to sell us their crap again.
TheSHEEEP Jun 6, 2022
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  • Supporter Plus
Quoting: Liam DaweFood: £20
Internet: £30
Water: £20
Diablo Immortal Micro: £100,000
Mortgage: £400

someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
Mortgage seems optional.
Aren't there shelters that you could run this operation out of for free?
const Jun 6, 2022
Quoting: Liam DaweFood: £20
Internet: £30
Water: £20
Diablo Immortal Micro: £100,000
Mortgage: £400

someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying

There's no helping it, you need to bring back those empty bottles.
Avehicle7887 Jun 6, 2022
I was interested in this game until I started reading about the pay2win crap they filled it with.
Luticus Jun 6, 2022
Personally I can't get it to run and I'm not entirely sure why, I use the Lutris setup and it installed, then I set up Immortal. Unfortunately when I click play it says's it's doing an update via notification, then nothing happens, no error... nothing? Wonder if anyone else has this issue or if anyone has any tips on what to do. Running Debian Stable.
ShabbyX Jun 6, 2022
Blizzard is dead to me
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