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Valve to ship 'more than double' the number of Steam Decks each week

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As we say goodbye to Q2 and hello to Q3, Valve has confirmed that production of Steam Deck units has increased to the point where they're going to be sending out a lot more.

Today is one of the usual days for emails to go out (so check your inbox) and Thursday is the other day where it happens. From this Thursday (30th June), things will be just a bit different. Confirming the details on Twitter, the official OnDeck account said:

Hello! Some great news on the production front. We just sent the last batch of Q2 emails, and we’ll start sending Q3 reservation emails on the 30th. Production has picked up, and after today we'll be shipping more than double the number of Steam Decks every week!

You can check your reservation status on the official Steam Deck page. Also don't worry if you miss your email, you do get another chance to get a Steam Deck.

Designer Lawrence Yang, who recently warned people about certain SSD upgrades, also mentioned on Twitter:

We’re looking forward to getting more Steam Decks into your hands! As you may imagine it’s pretty difficult to make hardware right now, and the team has been kicking ass behind the scenes to keep Steam Deck production ramping.
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Purple Library Guy Jun 27, 2022
Dashed good news!
Mohandevir Jun 27, 2022
Good news! I was starting to loose faith that I would get it in Q3, with the current shipping rate...
I can't stand it anymore! Where is mine!!?? My Precious!!
based Jun 27, 2022
Oh man, please dont give me xmas hope xD

I'm after Q3, I expect mine next summer haha
areamanplaysgame Jun 27, 2022

I got mine Friday and I'm loving it. I hope everyone who's still waiting doesn't have to wait too much longer!
TheRiddick Jun 28, 2022
I'm just going to wait for AMD's next-next APU lineup see what handheld vendors can do with RDNA3.
PixelDrop Jun 28, 2022
My pre-order still says after Q3 and I got it right as it changed over from Q3 to after Q3 [I took a day to think about it XD] so either they figured this ramp up in long ago, or they haven't updated the order page.
PixelDrop Jun 28, 2022
Quoting: TheRiddickI'm just going to wait for AMD's next-next APU lineup see what handheld vendors can do with RDNA3.

Thus far all the other vendors charge a small fortune compared to the steam deck and don't offer the same kind of controls. Though almost all of them have better CPUs already since the steam deck CPU/GPU is already pretty old by cutting edge terms.

The real question I wonder is if/when we'll see a 3rd party actually get a price that comes close to the steam deck with matching or better performance.

For myself I'm not interested in spending over $500 on a handheld, especially since I have to buy 3 of anything I get. [kids]
Pendragon Jun 28, 2022
woo! Maybe there's hope i'll actually get my Deck this year! Nice!
ageres Jun 28, 2022
More than double, fewer than quadruple.
gradyvuckovic Jun 28, 2022
Great to hear Valve will be shipping more units. Single most important thing for the Steam Deck right now is building the size of the userbase. The more Steam Deck gamers there are, the more devs will feel the pressure to either begin supporting it, or increase their support for it.

Hopefully Valve can get to at least a million Decks by the end of the year. It's hard for game developers to ignore a device like the Steam Deck when it has a userbase of that many active users, and a million units in 2022 would set Valve up nicely for a target of shipping at least that many next year too, and hopefully clear enough of the backlog of orders to open up orders for shipping to more countries.
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