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AYANEO to have their own AYANEO OS based on Linux

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Looks like Linux is truly becoming a gaming platform for the masses now, as AYANEO are throwing their hat in the ring with AYANEO OS on their hardware with the AYANEO AIR. While their new IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign focuses on it being a Windows handheld, they're also developing their own full Linux distribution for their hardware which will be available to download "in the future".

So that's the Steam Deck with SteamOS, GPD looking at SteamOS, OneXPlayer also planning SteamOS and now AYANEO too. Seems like AYANEO OS will go a lot further than SteamOS in some ways though, with built-in ways of finding games across different stores you own. They said it directly supports the Linux version of Steam and they talked about running both Native Linux games and Windows games through Proton too along with other stores and they sound extremely positive about the Linux experience here.

Not only that, it will also have integrations for retro emulation too. A special app store was talked about to download other applications like Spotify, OBS, Firefox, Discord and plenty more (much like SteamOS has access to Flathub).

You can see them talk about it in the below video at around 1:46:30:

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Definitely didn't imagine any of this happening a year ago, did you?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Purple Library Guy Jul 17, 2022
Quoting: wit_as_a_riddle
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: wit_as_a_riddleThe power of FOSS software, improvise, adapt, overcome! 🤣
Was that, by any chance, a reference to an old Monty Python sketch involving John Cleese dressed as a bank robber?

I am a Monty Python fan but sadly no, just the Bear Grylls meme.
Damn you, sir. I had never heard of Bear Grylls. Now I can't un-see some of the things I looked up.
damarrin Jul 17, 2022
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That's what you get for being stuck in a library all the time.
Marlock Jul 17, 2022
it's still a bit early to say for dure, but I feel this is a strong sign that Valve managed to open Pandora's Linux Gaming Box unto the world, and that it can't be unopened \o/
mr-victory Jul 18, 2022
Quoting: 1mHfoksd1ZSteamOS will always be biased towards Steam.
which is exactly why I desperately want to download Ayaneo OS. SteamOS has good Steam imtegrations, but what if Aya has not only Steam but also Epic, GOG, Origin etc. integrations? What if they have created the ultimate Lutris?
Mal Jul 18, 2022
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Nice. It seems like a second choice alternative compared to buying a Tesla though, which promises to let you play for weeks with a single charge!

Now I expect any time Ikea to announce Steam integration in their Angalisk furniture line.
Nanobang Jul 18, 2022
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All these plans are so exciting! I can't imagine how excited I'll be when any of it actually happens!
MayeulC Jul 19, 2022
Quoting: MalNice. It seems like a second choice alternative compared to buying a Tesla though, which promises to let you play for weeks with a single charge!

inb4 someone gets stranded because they used up their battery charge playing.
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