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BLASTRONAUT is a fresh mining game full of explosions

By - | Views: 20,143

Love exploration and mining? Want to do it with many explosions? Check out the new Native Linux release of BLASTRONAUT.

"It is a dangerous but lucrative job. Explore this vast procedurally generated world with your jetpack. Extract the minerals with an explosive gel. Expand your mining platform. But most importantly: stay alive."

It recently entered Early Access and it has very quickly won me over. A core gameplay loop that's quite satisfying, with you exploring deep below the surface and blowing everything up for resources, to then quickly blast back up to the surface with your jetpack to sell those resources and upgrade. There's plenty of games that have you go mining but not many do so explosively like this.

Here's some recently captured footage of it running on a Steam Deck and it works beautifully:

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Quite excited to watch this one develop. A really great idea and a shiny gem in the making here. I have a feeling it's another that's going to sucker away many hours of my time.

Available to buy on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dpanter Aug 2, 2022
Sounds like you've been having a blast.
Pengling Aug 2, 2022
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Quoting: dpanterSounds like you've been having a blast.
Sounds like a release that should blow everyone away.
Philadelphus Aug 2, 2022
Something not mentioned in the article, it apparently has on-line co-op, which definitely makes it a bit more attractive to me. I've downloaded the demo on my Deck to try it out. I like the idea of explosive gel, that's an interesting twist.
Philadelphus Aug 3, 2022
Tried it out a bit, definitely an interesting concept. I can't figure out the jetpack movement, though. Sometimes when I press the button it rockets me up, sometimes I'm barely hovering. And it's more like a jump-jet than a jetpack, you have to use it right as you're jumping or it doesn't seem to work; you also can't thrust → release button and fall down a bit → thrust again. Maybe with some more experience I'll figure it out, but it was a bit of a frustrating experience.
dpanter Aug 4, 2022
Quoting: PhiladelphusI can't figure out the jetpack

Double tap jetpak button for a quick burst, like a high velocity jump. Hold button for a regular burn which has a falloff in power the longer you hold. I found the double tap to be very effective.
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