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What if Pong had 'lore, special moves & gay aliens'? You get ZONERS

By - | Views: 21,682

The developer of ZONERS certainly had an interesting pitch when introducing their new game over email and it turns out it's pretty fun. Scanning over my inbox recently and I come across "What if pong had lore, special moves & gay aliens?" as a title and that's certainly one way to grab my attention.

Coming from developer Paris Stalker / ALL iN who also made a hardcore action platformer called ERSATZ.

The developer mentioned that it features "a diverse cast of atypical aliens, tons of ongoing accessibility and customisation work, bizarre lore, an insane original soundtrack (OK, I did write a couple of the songs myself, so mostly insane), way too much effort put into the menus, and the determination of a stubborn git after like 7 rejections from indie focused publishers, what isn't to love?".

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What you essential get here is another take on the style of Windjammers. It's basically a hyper version of Pong for sure and if you love these sorts of fast-paced arcade sports games, you can't really go wrong. A little rough around the edges with it being an Early Access game but so much to love about it already.

You can find it on Steam with Native Linux support.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Koopacabras Aug 9, 2022
Gay Aliens own large parts of the US, they live underground, in fact you cannot farm over there because of the poor soil quality.
StalePopcorn Aug 9, 2022
scaine Aug 9, 2022
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That's a very, very cool soundtrack, at least judging from the trailer.
denyasis Aug 9, 2022
Came for the menus, stayed for the gay aliens
StoneColdSpider Aug 10, 2022
According to the trailer its an acid trip version of Windjammers.......
The store page on Steam doesn't wow me, but the description "Pong with gay aliens" wins me over. I gotta add this to my wishlist.
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