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Brotato is going to be my next horde-survival arena-shooter obsession

By - | Views: 25,977

If you don't hear from me much over the next week it's because I've discovered Brotato. Another in the list of wave-based horde survival games and it's honestly great. Note: personal purchase.

Released into Early Access on September 27th, it works great out of the box on desktop and Steam Deck with Proton 7. The developer "might" also do a Native release later on, which shouldn't be too much trouble as it was made with Godot which has excellent Linux support.

Much like other horde games (including Vampire Survivors), you run around an arena taking down enemies while powering up your character the longer you survive. At least here though, it's brought back proper timed waves and so you get a breather in between each set of the action to level up your character, get new weapons and items and get ready for the next wave. You can create some pretty insane character builds with this one, and my favourite feature is probably that you can actually sell weapons if you want something better. You can also combine the same weapon to make it more powerful, and free up another slot for something else.

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Game Features:

  • Auto-firing weapons by default with a manual aiming option.
  • Fast runs (under 30 minutes).
  • Dozens of characters available to customize your runs (one-handed, crazy, lucky, mage and many more).
  • Hundreds of items and weapons to choose from (flamethrowers, SMGs, rocket launchers or sticks and stones).
  • Survive waves lasting 20 to 90 seconds each and kill off as many aliens as you can during that time.
  • Collect materials to gain experience and get items from the shop between waves of enemies.
  • Accessibility options: tweak the health, damage and speed of enemies so the difficulty is right for you.

Already an easy recommendation. A lot of fun.

Available to buy on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Sep 30, 2022
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I bought it based on this article and it's an absolute joy on the Deck. Great game!
slaapliedje Sep 30, 2022
I'm going to throw this idea out to the universe right now...

Someone make MOM, and mix it in with random waves of randoms.

MOM being a fantastic game that was made by Electronic Arts (back when they made fantastic games) that is actually called Mail Order Monsters. These games already remind me of this, yet MOM was more of a one on one game, but I think if there were random creatures in the arena it'd make it quite fun!
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