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Re-Volt is a retro delight from the year 1999 that originally came to GOG in 2013. Sadly it was pulled from sale when it was found to contain code written by the community, that the release did not have permission to use. Now it's back and on Steam too.

Here's how you can get this game running very nicely on a Steam Deck or a Linux desktop, with a Native Linux game engine called RVGL.

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Text guide:

  • Download ProtonUp-Qt either as an AppImage or Flatpak.
  • Inside ProtonUp-Qt install Luxtorpeda.
  • Find Re-Volt in your Steam Library.
  • Go to Properties -> Compatibility -> Tick the box and select Luxtorpeda from the dropdown box.
  • Play it and enjoy.

A small process to get a classic to live again properly. You may need to tweak the deadzone a little, as with the Steam Deck specifically I found the default a bit too low to control the cars properly.

Available to buy on Steam and GOG.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ridge Sep 8, 2022
Grabbed this on GOG few months ago (am using RVGL as well), so lovely to experience this childhood classic again <3 Just as fun as I remember it. Folks, grab it, if anything just for the music alone :P

Last edited by ridge on 8 September 2022 at 5:52 pm UTC
StoneColdSpider Sep 8, 2022
Totally fantastic game....... I still have the original disc.......
Siinamon Sep 9, 2022
I played this game an absolute ton as a kid and am so happy it is available on GOG and Steam.
Phimeek Sep 9, 2022
I started playing Re-Volt for the first time on the N64. I soon moved to PC after I found out about RVGL in 2017, and I started modding stuff for it afterwards. Not only that, but I had fun every time I made a new car, especially Hot Wheels since I'm a collector too. The modding scene has greatly improved in 5 years, thanks to numerous contributions from the community. It's still such a fantastic game for car enthusiasts after 20 years.

I'd like to point out, however, that Re-Volt actually wasn't on Steam before. It was first released on GOG, in 2013 before it got pulled because of the issues with the community.
Liam Dawe Sep 9, 2022
Quoting: PhimeekI'd like to point out, however, that Re-Volt actually wasn't on Steam before. It was first released on GOG, in 2013 before it got pulled because of the issues with the community.
Ah thanks, looks like I got the stores and dates a tiny bit mixed. Nevermind :)
ElectricPrism Sep 9, 2022
I guess I forgot what I read and later bought this game, then Proton + Steam Deck throws error "Can't set view-port"

I could go through the effort to make it run, but then I have hundreds of titles and the idea of spending money and not having something work is bad service -- I hope they get it sorted out -- with the tens of thousands of other games that play on Proton just fine -- they should get this sorted.

I never played this before so I'm not nostalgic, it just looked like fun and reminiscent of a time period where games were really difficult & rewarding.
rea987 Sep 9, 2022
Quoting: ElectricPrismI guess I forgot what I read and later bought this game, then Proton + Steam Deck throws error "Can't set view-port"

I could go through the effort to make it run, but then I have hundreds of titles and the idea of spending money and not having something work is bad service -- I hope they get it sorted out -- with the tens of thousands of other games that play on Proton just fine -- they should get this sorted.

I never played this before so I'm not nostalgic, it just looked like fun and reminiscent of a time period where games were really difficult & rewarding.

Use Luxorpeda instead of Ptoton as the article suggests.
Retrogamer Sep 9, 2022
Super fun game, I used to play this on Sega Dreamcast
slaapliedje Sep 10, 2022
Goddamnit, Liam. Stop making me spend money. You may as well have just flown over here and typed in my numbers for me!
ElectricPrism Sep 10, 2022
Quoting: rea987
Quoting: ElectricPrismI guess I forgot what I read and later bought this game, then Proton + Steam Deck throws error "Can't set view-port"

I could go through the effort to make it run, but then I have hundreds of titles and the idea of spending money and not having something work is bad service -- I hope they get it sorted out -- with the tens of thousands of other games that play on Proton just fine -- they should get this sorted.

I never played this before so I'm not nostalgic, it just looked like fun and reminiscent of a time period where games were really difficult & rewarding.

Use Luxorpeda instead of Ptoton as the article suggests.

After 2 decades of bending over backwards to make things work on Linux, LAN gaming on WINE in 2005, I'm just done. That's what the money is for.

I give the developer/publisher my money, and I expect a minimum level of hassle-free experience. If they don't provide that then they don't deserve my money.

I just have 500 other games I could play, I collect to support pro-Linux devs, it's just not worth the effort (for me) especially if I lower my standards and have to repeat this process 500 times

-- If I was going to put in manual effort, I would buy a bunch of games on GOG and manually maintain a offline collection that can never be taken away from me (which I do sometimes).

Anyways, just doing me -- not preaching that anyone needs to follow me, but if they do that's up to them.
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