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Steam drops the Lunar New Year Sale, we're getting a big Spring sale instead

By - | Views: 28,283

Valve has announced some changes to their major seasonal sales, along with the Lunar New Year Sale being dropped.

In their announcement to developers, they noted that they will now be doing a major Spring Sale instead as part of their four major season sales. Valve said that this was a popular request from developers and publishers, and it allows them to space them out a little more enabling developers to "expand and execute their discounting calendar".

Here's the main upcoming events:

  • Autumn Sale: Nov 22nd to Nov 29th
  • Winter Sale: Dec 22nd to Jan 5th
  • Spring Sale: March 16th to 23rd

Explaining a little more on why the Lunar sale is being dropped, Valve mentioned that it originally began in 2016 "to celebrate the influx of game developers and customers from territories like Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, and South Korea". Over the years though, more developers seem to have been complaining to Valve that it's too close to their December holiday sale period and so they expect "customers will be better served by a little bit more time between the big Steam-wide seasonal sales".

It does make plenty of sense when you think about it. Too many big sales like it was a bit overloading.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc, Steam, Valve
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Sep 29, 2022
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Quoting: bepopOne sale event less is better for consumers? Since when? Do you like paying more for games?

Actually I try to always pay full price for native Linux games, yes.
Arehandoro Sep 29, 2022
Already mentioned this on other occasions, but I do spend less money outside of sales. I also end up playing those games I paid full price for more too.
Purple Library Guy Sep 29, 2022
Quoting: ValckAll I can see is another missed opportunity for more inclusive terminology.
"Spring" seems fairly inclusive to me.
Eike Sep 29, 2022
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Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: ValckAll I can see is another missed opportunity for more inclusive terminology.
"Spring" seems fairly inclusive to me.

Not seen from the southern hemisphere... :)
Philadelphus Sep 30, 2022
But how will I know when it's a new year without Steam to tell me‽
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