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Go tell Bungie you want Destiny 2 on Steam Deck / Linux

By - | Views: 64,143

Destiny 2 is one of the biggest and most popular shooters around and sadly it doesn't work on Steam Deck / Linux. Now is your chance to give your say and maybe Bungie will listen.

A little while ago I wrote about how Bungie had given Steam Deck a pretty firm nope, and sadly the situation simply hasn't changed since then. They took notice of people requesting it, and then issued a statement where they once again gave us a pretty firm nope.

Now, there's a dedicated place on the Destiny 2 Reddit where you can give your feedback on it. This comes in the form of what they call a Focused Feedback post titled "Focused Feedback: Linux and Alternative Platform Support". Writing about why the post was made, a Destiny 2 Reddit moderator noted in a comment:

For some additional context on why this was selected as a Focused Feedback topic, despite lack of recent popular threads about it, posts discussing official support for Destiny 2 on Proton (read: Steam Deck) have been automodded to Bungie's official stance on the matter (listed below) for a while now because - until very recently - there was nothing to discuss besides people expressing that they wanted Proton support and/or whether or not Bungie's rationale for the Proton prohibition is valid.

Given that, in the past week, we've had the announcement of Stadia's planned demise AND a Destiny 2 team lead expressing their love for Steam Deck as a hardware choice for playing Destiny 2 (they were playing D2 on Steam Deck in a manner which is allowed by Terms of Service), there is renewed public interest in the discussion and the decision was made to make it this week's Focused Feedback topic. This way, the discussion can be had and Bungie is provided with fresh, organized feedback on this issue from the DestinyReddit community.

Their comment about the Destiny 2 developer enjoying the Steam Deck is probably this post from Tom Farnsworth, the Senior Design Lead at Bungie, who had to use Moonlight to stream it from a PC to their Steam Deck. Sure would be nice if we didn't have to do things like that huh?

Since the Steam Deck is doing so well (like apparently shipping over a million now), players shouldn't need to resort to installing a different operating system or streaming from a PC to play their favourite games. Hopefully more developers, like Bungie, will start to take notice if the player base on Steam Deck continues growing.

Head over to the Reddit Post to give your say.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Jayare29 Oct 21, 2022
Commented on Reddit.
arheson Nov 1, 2022
I don't understand Bunga's position at all. Is it bad if more people play Destiny? Not everyone has the money to buy Windows, and many use free Linux.
Super-G Aug 27, 2023
Write to Valve and request them to force it upon them. At least the Steam Deck is their product. They should at least require game studios to not actively hinder people from using it if they want to publish on Steam. Valve should make that a Steam policy.
pete910 Oct 21, 2023
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I see it's made zero difference despite the apparent mass of steam deck owners in the reddit thread!
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