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The new bigger demo for Scrabdackle deserves your attention

By - | Views: 13,696

Love your quirky little action-adventures? Scrabdackle should be something for you to take a look at and there's a big update to the demo for you to try.

What is it? Scrabdackle is a hand-drawn action/adventure game about going exploring, with non-linear progression and a unique mix of skill-based challenge and accessible gameplay. It features a vast, intricate overworld, tight and responsive combat, cheeky banter, and pages of lore to discover – all under a coat of playful charm. Funded on Kickstarter, the full release is due out in 2023 sometime.

Original demo trailer:

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Highlights of the new demo update include:

  • A new region, with its own soundtrack and unique environment.
  • 4 new enemies.
  • 1 new miniboss.
  • Several new unique NPCs and landmarks.
  • 14 new lore entries.
  • Many new challenges, quests, and collectibles.
  • A new spell to learn.
  • 4,000 words of dialogue.
  • A new type of challenge/obstacle I'll let you discover for yourself...
  • A new lighting system has been added to make caves dark and dim areas more atmospheric.
  • A few older music tracks have been updated with a fresh coat of aural paint.
  • A huge variety of bugfixes are in place!

Give it a go on Steam. Available with Native Linux support.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

scaine Oct 25, 2022
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  • Contributing Editor
  • Mega Supporter
It looks good in a way that the crude, 1970's-cartoon style graphics don't do justice to. For the same reason, stills of this game look awful, but the video suggests an absolute gem of a game. I think I'll stick this on my wishlist, after seeing it in motion.
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