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How to fix the EA app on Steam Deck and Linux desktop

By - | Views: 78,911

Recently, Valve did an update in Proton Experimental that did get the EA app working again. The problem is that it doesn't stick and the EA app will break itself. It might work fine for a few launches, and then suddenly another it just won't work.

It can be really problematic, especially on Steam Deck, as it might cause a spinning Steam logo of doom that requires a reboot of the Steam Deck to get rid of the broken loading.

Here's one way to fix it: what you'll need to do, is remove the Proton files for the game (it works for any game using the EA app). For Steam Deck players, here's a brief video guide that also warns you about save backups and points you in the direction of where you might need to go to make a backup:

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Steam Deck:

  • Set EA games to Proton Experimental. Properties -> Compatibility -> Tick the box -> Select Proton Experimental.
  • Make a backup of save files (IMPORTANT) as they might be removed during this. I cannot stress this enough, find where the save files are and copy them somewhere safe. JUST DO IT. You can find the Windows folders for games in the “compatdata” folder, and then the ID of the Steam game.
    For example: /.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/*game_id*/
  • In the games Properties - Developer - Delete Proton Files
  • Launch the game again

Desktop Linux:

  • Set EA games to Proton Experimental. Properties -> Compatibility -> Tick the box -> Select Proton Experimental.
  • Make a backup of save files (IMPORTANT) as they might be removed during this. I cannot stress this enough, find where the save files are and copy them somewhere safe. JUST DO IT. You can find the Windows folders for games in the “compatdata” folder, and then the ID of the Steam game.
    For example: /.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/*game_id*/
  • Delete the ID folder mentioned above.
  • Launch the game again.

For save backups, each game is different, it's best to look it up using your favourite search engine first. PCGamingWiki might list where the save files are.

This is the easiest fix I've found so far, that doesn't require the use of Protontricks or swapping Proton versions that could cause other issues (like a broken Proton Prefix) or anything else. Not all games need a save backup, but it's best not to rely on Steam Cloud (and some games don't have it).

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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garpu Nov 17, 2022
Sims 4 doesn't save in steam cloud or origin's cloud. I learned the hard way. Pour one out for Trevor, whose save is no more. (I don't think Sims 4 is using the new EA app, either.)
Termy Nov 17, 2022
The only way to get rid of such bullshit is to vote with your wallet. So boycotting EA is the only right thing to do ^^
Termy Nov 17, 2022
Quoting: Guestits just a less than a drop in the ocean for them, they won't notice and they won't care.
Of course - as long as enough people still buy that crap, it won't bother them. But to just 'fuck it' because of that is about as clever as to say 'fuck it' to climate conscience behavior because your actions are just a drop in the ocean...
WorMzy Nov 17, 2022
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: TermyThe only way to get rid of such bullshit is to vote with your wallet. So boycotting EA is the only right thing to do ^^

lol i can't believe people actually think this to this day. voting with your wallet does nothing
Not true, it means I have more money to spend on more deserving developers.
Purple Library Guy Nov 17, 2022
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: TermyThe only way to get rid of such bullshit is to vote with your wallet. So boycotting EA is the only right thing to do ^^

lol i can't believe people actually think this to this day. voting with your wallet does nothing - its just a less than a drop in the ocean for them, they won't notice and they won't care.
And yet, boycotts sometimes work. Admittedly, usually when they're well organized and relate to a major, clear-cut issue of current relevance.

But computer games are a good place for relatively low-level, disorganized boycotts to make some difference. There isn't really a need for any particular company's games (contrast with, say, MS Office). You can never play all the computer games out there. So skipping ones put out by companies whose policies annoy you either ethically or in terms of stuff they do that messes with the user experience is essentially cost free for the consumer, who has plenty of other games to buy. Arguably even less than zero cost, because the benefit of (smugness/feeling good about yourself) is probably greater than the near-zero cost of playing different games instead.

But it's not cost free for the corporation. If 2% of potential buyers refrain from buying because of a corporation's practices, that's a loss the size of, say, the Linux platform . . . which seems to be not big enough for an AAA company to actually target, but quite big enough for an AAA company to make the smaller effort of tweaking for Proton or Steam Deck compatibility, so enough to be worth a small behaviour modification. If a corp is scuzzy enough to lose 5% of sales to its reputation, that starts being a significant crimp in profitability.
pete910 Nov 17, 2022
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QuoteHow to fix the EA app on Steam Deck and Linux desktop

Don't use it !

Purple Library Guy Nov 18, 2022
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: TermyThe only way to get rid of such bullshit is to vote with your wallet. So boycotting EA is the only right thing to do ^^

lol i can't believe people actually think this to this day. voting with your wallet does nothing - its just a less than a drop in the ocean for them, they won't notice and they won't care.
And yet, boycotts sometimes work. Admittedly, usually when they're well organized and relate to a major, clear-cut issue of current relevance.

But computer games are a good place for relatively low-level, disorganized boycotts to make some difference. There isn't really a need for any particular company's games (contrast with, say, MS Office). You can never play all the computer games out there. So skipping ones put out by companies whose policies annoy you either ethically or in terms of stuff they do that messes with the user experience is essentially cost free for the consumer, who has plenty of other games to buy. Arguably even less than zero cost, because the benefit of (smugness/feeling good about yourself) is probably greater than the near-zero cost of playing different games instead.

But it's not cost free for the corporation. If 2% of potential buyers refrain from buying because of a corporation's practices, that's a loss the size of, say, the Linux platform . . . which seems to be not big enough for an AAA company to actually target, but quite big enough for an AAA company to make the smaller effort of tweaking for Proton or Steam Deck compatibility, so enough to be worth a small behaviour modification. If a corp is scuzzy enough to lose 5% of sales to its reputation, that starts being a significant crimp in profitability.

As with any form of protest/boycott it needs quite a great deal of organization. Unless a concerted effort is organized and occurs, a consumer not buying something for "ethical reasons" won't have any impact on the bottom line of the organization particularly if its not organized in any meaningful way. Indeed, with computer games, unless it is something egregious most people will continue buying EA games even if they are linux gamers in one form or another. In addition, EA is too large that most linux gamers will end up acquiring an EA game. In short, "voting with your wallet" is stupid and doesn't work and just sounds ridiculous when said.
So . . . did you in fact read what I wrote?
skaplon Nov 18, 2022
It didnt work anyway, keep getting dropped to some blue screen where I can't read whats in it. After like 20 tries it works. Sometimes.
rustigsmed Nov 18, 2022
that's annoying - oh wait - still awaiting the announcement of a Steam Deck launch date in Australia .....

Last edited by rustigsmed on 18 November 2022 at 1:19 am UTC
officernice Nov 18, 2022
BF1 and BF4 still boots up origin for me. I wonder when they'll break my weekend fun.
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