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Firaxis Games recently launched their new Leader Pass for Sid Meier's Civilization VI, and it seems they broke it on both macOS and Linux.

The Linux and macOS versions were done by Aspyr Media, who don't really do ports any more. The store page on Steam still shows both as clearly supported though, and the new Leader Pass indicates both are supported platforms too. However, the macOS and Linux support topics on Steam are filling up with people reporting the game is now broken or has major issues on these platforms.

For the Linux version, it seems the update actually downgraded the game to a much older version "" (I was able to use an old workaround - see the bottom, to get it to launch) with the latest being Even for people on macOS who have managed workarounds, some are reporting other major problems like Civ Vi eating all their RAM.

At least for Linux users, a workaround is to use Proton on it to run the Windows version. Here though, some users report the 2K Launcher doesn't work, but for me it was fine. You can skip the 2K Launcher on Linux with Proton by adding this as a launch argument for the game on Steam:

eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/Base\/Binaries\/Win64Steam\/CivilizationVI.exe'/" )

It's a shame, as it shows even though they're selling it clearly as supported, seemingly no one at Firaxis / 2K / Aspyr is even testing either Linux or macOS now.

I've reached out to the publisher to see if they have anything to say about what is happening, although they never replied  to my initial email asking about the new DLC. I've also reached out to Aspyr Meda directly about it. Will update if either reply.

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jordicoma Nov 23, 2022
Hope they'll fix this soon. I failed to put enough time in that game, and one of the principal reasons that I bought it was because it is Linux native.
Nevertheless Nov 23, 2022
The downgrade happened to the Windows version as well, but was fixed a short time after that.
At the same time they had (have?) all hands full fixing another problem...
The Leader Pass DLC was supposed to be free for all owners of the Anthology Edition and for owners of every DLC. But that didn't work and so people thought they had to pay for it. On Twitter @CivGame said the fix is rolling out, but takes time.
Maybe after that they tend to the Mac and Linux users.
But I must say, the DX12 version with Proton is a much better experience than the native Aspire version by now!
rustybroomhandle Nov 23, 2022
It's unlikely to get fixed unless 2K/Firaxis explicitly pay Aspyr to do so. So in all likelihood probably safer in the long run to just play the Windows version.
harre Nov 23, 2022
I have some PYDT games which have been saved by updated Windows users so just using the legacy mode downgrade weren't fixing the issue for me either.

So I made the switch to proton and realized that it is much more smother experience.

It's a shame that aspyr basically have gone underground for the last few years. It has been some issues running civ6 natively on Steam deck and any bug reports gets closed without explanation.

They clearly have some problems internally at aspyr, especially as they lost the contract for the kotor-remaster.

Their bugtracker has no transparency so it's difficult to link and follow bugs as the non-reporting user.

Here's one bug in GitHub that I have referred to previously
Termy Nov 23, 2022
The fact they don't even seem to do any - however basic it may be - testing on linux really is laughable...
Nevertheless Nov 23, 2022
To me the question seems to be: Is Aspyr even needed to at least put the existing working version back on?
Raaben Nov 23, 2022
It's a shame that CIV VI has been such a mess of a port. Not sure whether it's more on Aspyr or Firaxis or both, but even when new it was in a janky/poor performing state and behind the Windows version. It's a terrible look to have a higher profile game where you need to tell people to avoid the native version and revert to Windows for basic playability.
slaapliedje Nov 23, 2022
Quoting: TermyThe fact they don't even seem to do any - however basic it may be - testing on linux really is laughable...
Let's be clear here. It broke for the macOS version as well. So it could more properly be said that Aspyr either has not had the time to fix this, or they aren't properly staffed to fix it (the third option would be that they're not aware of it, but it sounds like enough people have created tickets for them to look at that had some sort of response about the issue).
Freya Nov 23, 2022
Thought it was mods broken. To think it was broken just to have congo holy sites /hj
Klaas Nov 23, 2022
I'm not surprised after the Bioshock Infinite incident.
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