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The Wandering Village gets gamepad and Steam Deck support

By - | Views: 21,896

The Wandering Village, a very unique city-builder set on the back of a giant creature recently had a major update that added in gamepad support which also helps Steam Deck too. I was a pretty big fan of the initial release.

As of the update, Valve has given it a Steam Deck Playable rating using the Native Linux version, with it not being fully Verified due to some text being too small but as I show in the video below — there's really no problem at all with the text so Deck Verified once again being a mystery on the ratings.

Some of what's included in this update:

  • Full Gamepad Support (+ Steam Deck support)
  • New Autosave System
  • Worker Management Window to centrally manage employed workers
  • Disable Tool to more quickly disable and enable buildings
  • First set of Steam Achievements
  • New Buildings:
    • Granary, a larger food storage building
    • Onbu Discipliner, a building that, when used, hurts Onbu, but forces it to listen to your commands

Here's a little look at the gamepad support on Steam Deck:

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There's a number of other improvements included in this update, like the harvesting tool not being used to remove Onbu's Spikes (the creature) causing it to not be happy with you. Something that kept tripping me up. There's also some visual fixes, edge-scrolling was added, buildings now have back doors for better villager pathing and so on.

Available to buy on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Viesta2015 Jan 20, 2023
looks like another game i need to check out.
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