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Lancer Tactics announced adapting the tabletop roleplaying game

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Love your mechs? Lancer Tactics was announced recently, as a video game adaption of the popular crowdfunded tabletop roleplaying game.

The original campaign for the TTRPG pulled in a healthy $432K, so it's not a surprise to see this new crowdfunding campaign to turn it into a cross-platform video game (Linux, macOS, Windows) has been a success already at $94K funding with 16 days left to go.

On the campaign the developer mentioned how they "love this system of modular mechs, and I'm sad and furious at our historical and current politics — let's make a game where you can fight imperialist land-stealing goons by being gay and doing crime in giant robots!". Worth noting this is an unofficial adaption, but approved thanks to Lancer's very easy-going licensing.

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Fun fact: it's being developed with Godot Engine. The developer previously created Starship Rubicon and Crescent Loom, both of which also support Linux.

You can check it out on Kickstarter and itch.io.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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