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Seems to be quite a few games being fully done with lately. Monster Sanctuary from moi rai games and Team17 recently had the Relics of Chaos update and it's the last.

What is it? Quick reminder: Monster taming meets metroidvania. Collect, train and battle monsters in a lovely side-scroller pixel world. The new update adds in an optional Relics of Chaos game mode, with 39 relics to change up your play-through and while powerful they all come with a catch.

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Some quality of life improvements were also added in:

  • 1 new game mode: Relics of Chaos.
  • 39 new equipment items "Relics" exclusive to the game mode.
  • 5 new skills.
  • % of explored area in the map.
  • Option to take back recently assigned skill points (until you exit the game or the monster participates in a fight).
  • Added savefile management options (delete and copy).
  • Button to use Smoke Bomb directly in the skill selection menu in combat.
  • Option to remove flashes added.
  • Possible to inspect own monsters now incl. crit chance and crit damage.
  • New NPC to the left of the PvP arena after defeating the final boss that allows you to rewatch the final cutscene multiple times and take a team photo together with your monsters.
  • Increased monster gold gain formula.
  • Option to name the 3 starting monsters in Bravery mode.
  • Light and Dark shifts alternate for all monsters in the wild now.
  • Double explore ability for Goblin Miner: Light + Crush.
  • Visual indicator if a monster has been fed or not.
  • Legendary Keeper encounters also grant a small amount of gold now (both on normal and re-fights).
  • If an attack is dodged, the text now says "Dodge" instead of "Miss".
  • Added a Merchant in the Infinity Arena that will sell Reward box items for coupons attainable through the arena (you earn 1 Arena Coupons every 12 levels, not counting the levels you started on).
  • Option added to open all boxes of a selected version.
  • Game will no longer accept mouse input if another program is in front of it.

If you want to buy Monster Sanctuary you can do so on the Humble Store or Steam.

With this being finished, their team are now all moving over to continue working on their next game Aethermancer, which will also have Native Linux support

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

anewson May 31, 2023
it's wild all the post-release content they added, the game was already a gem at launch.
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