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Announced today, Dying Breed from Sarnayer that blends together the classic style and gameplay in the original Command & Conquer but with Zombies is now being published by MicroProse. Seems quite fitting to have a name like MicroProse attached to it.

Taking you back to the glory days of the classic RTS experience with a 90s electro-metal soundtrack and even those brilliantly silly FMV live-action cut-scenes. Set in a post-apocalyptic world it has the usual base-building and resource gathering but the action also looks great.

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It will have Native Linux support at release. Yeah, I'm excited for this one. I grew up on C&C, Red Alert and the likes so this one really speaks to me. Can't wait to see more of it.

You can follow it on Steam. There also for now still some old demos on

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Cyberworm Jul 6, 2023
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Oh wow, didn't know MicroProse still existed
Belaptir Jul 6, 2023
Wishlisted instantly. I reckon the first seconds of the trailer had me thinking someone just made a really cool mod for the original C&C. Then I saw more footage and, although it looks really really like a mod, it has new scenarios and other stuff that make it look like a different game. Really interested in this one, I still play at least once a year both C&C and Red Alert (got the remastered and play awesome on steam deck) so this one will definitely fit in my library.
dziadulewicz Jul 6, 2023
Oh Zombies even here. To ruin even a Command & Conquer kind of game. WHY ARE THESE THROWN EVERY WHERE
pb Jul 6, 2023
Quoting: CyberwormOh wow, didn't know MicroProse still existed

Because it didn't. It was closed down in 2000 and revived in 2019.
kokoko3k Jul 6, 2023
Quoting: dziadulewiczOh Zombies even here. To ruin even a Command & Conquer kind of game. WHY ARE THESE THROWN EVERY WHERE
A politically correct way to kill humans?
Just guessing.
crumbles Jul 6, 2023
Looks like it's going to be single-player only :(
dpanter Jul 6, 2023
Zombies make any game better!
Craggles086 Jul 6, 2023
Quoting: dpanterZombies make any game better!

Cannot see how Donkey Kong would have been improved by zombies.. :)
F.Ultra Jul 6, 2023
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Quoting: Craggles086
Quoting: dpanterZombies make any game better!

Cannot see how Donkey Kong would have been improved by zombies.. :)

ain't you in for a surprise

DONKEY KONG ZOMBIES ★ Call of Duty Zombies Mod (Zombie Games)
StoneColdSpider Jul 6, 2023
I wish they could wrestle the Formula One licence away from EA and reunite Geoff Crammond and Formula One...... After all these years the MicroProse published Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix games are still the best Formula One games ever.......

Oh sorry........ Yeah...... Dying Breed...... That looks really cool...... Added it to my wishlist.......
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