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Here's how to get PAYDAY 3 Beta to work on Steam Deck & Linux

By - | Views: 31,861

PAYDAY 3 has a technical Beta currently live, as they're testing out their servers ready for the full release on September 21st. Getting it running on Steam Deck and desktop Linux needs a little fix to work so here's how.

It's quite simple but does require a few steps and just a little patience.

First of all, I would suggest signing up for their Nebula account system and then doing the Steam account linking. This will then allow the game to just auto log in. This third-party account is necessary right now. 

Now, when you try to launch the game you'll be greeted by an error that will look a bit like this:

Thankfully it's easy to get around but here is where you need a little patience, as some parts can take a little while to load. You'll need to install Protontricks, which is available as a Flatpak from Flathub (via Discover on Steam Deck in desktop mode). You may need to give Protontricks permissions to read the drive PAYDAY 3 is installed on, like an SD Card for Steam Deck or a different Steam Library drive on desktop. Run these in terminal:

For Desktop Linux:

flatpak override --user --filesystem=/mnt/MySSD/SteamLibrary com.github.Matoking.protontricks

Steam Deck SD Cards:

flatpak override --user --filesystem=/run/media/mmcblk0p1 com.github.Matoking.protontricks

After that, reload Protontricks.

Next you'll need to scroll to select PAYDAY 3:

Then you'll need to go through a few different screens to select the default wineprefix:

Next up is select the top option to install a Windows DLL or component:

Then scroll down to find vcrun2019 or vcrun2022:

Oddly, vcrun2022 showed up on Steam Deck for me but not desktop Linux but regardless both 2019 and 2022 work.

Then you'll see a few installer screens for vcrun like this:

Just go through these, there's at least two and once finished it will bring back the Protontricks screen and you're then good to go. PAYDAY 3 will now run.

Pictured - PAYDAY 3 on Kubuntu Linux

Here's a video going over the steps and some footage on Steam Deck:

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You can follow PAYDAY 3 on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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specopamethyst Sep 9, 2023
I did everything correctly it's still crashing when I get to the main menu. I'm on Manjaro it might be a graphic driver issue or proton ideas guys??
Valorix Sep 10, 2023
Quoting: specopamethystI did everything correctly it's still crashing when I get to the main menu. I'm on Manjaro it might be a graphic driver issue or proton ideas guys??
I'm having memory leaks in the main menu. It crashed my entire system while using all of my 24 GB of RAM.
okSeby Sep 10, 2023
Quoting: specopamethystI did everything correctly it's still crashing when I get to the main menu. I'm on Manjaro it might be a graphic driver issue or proton ideas guys??
Yeah it was crashing for me as well. My PC info is up-to-date on my profile.
razze Sep 10, 2023
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