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Murtop is a retro fusion of Dig Dug meets Bomberman

By - | Views: 31,310

Dig Dug meets Bomberman? Yes that exists. Meet Murtop, a fast-paced arcade game packed with action, as if it was taken out directly from the 80s made with Godot Engine. The developer emailed in to mention it works perfectly on Linux desktop and Steam Deck!

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Game features:

  • 256 time-limited single-screen stages... and a kill screen! Let's see if you can get to it.
  • Bonus stage every 5 stages... and a secret bonus stage!
  • 5 fast-paced chiptune tracks.
  • Local high scores leaderboard.
  • Optimized to be used in arcade cabinet machines.
  • Lots and lots of explosions!

Technical details:

  • Vertical screen with beautiful bezels to fill the void.
  • 16 color palette.
  • Pixel perfect scaling.
  • CRT filter.
  • Attract mode (just like in the old arcade machines).
  • TATE mode (rotate the screen to play the game as it was meant to).

Available to buy from:

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Purple Library Guy Sep 17, 2023
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: Purple Library Guyand a mug of cocoa.
Share the cocoa, would you, please? The weather's getting colder now!
Well, I'll do my best. So yesterday, my wife and I went to my favourite fancy patisserie place, Thomas Haas, and along with some very nice pastries I got some absolutely fabulous deep dark hot chocolate, made with a really nice 70%. Strong, very strong, and thick, but because 70% not too sweet. We strolled along the beach and sipped and munched.

Normally at home I don't make hot chocolate, I make cocoa, with cocoa powder, sugar and milk. Lately I've been using cocoa from this place that makes all kinds of very artistic and high quality hot chocolate, called Cocoa Monk. I bought the guy's cocoa powder once, thinking "I probably won't do this again--stuff's foolishly expensive and probably no better than what I usually use." It was so much better. When I went back to get more I asked him why; he said most cocoa powder you get, even "gourmet", has almost zero cocoa butter and so it's crap, doesn't convey the flavour well. His does have cocoa butter. Sounds reasonable. As a result, the cocoa I make is some of the best you're gonna taste. Especially after I add a bit of Calvados or Grand Marnier.

That's all I can manage over the interwebs, I'm afraid.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 17 September 2023 at 9:48 pm UTC
slaapliedje Oct 4, 2023
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: tuubiThe trailer really does evoke some traumatic memories of dig dug. The style is spot on. I bet I'd be very bad at this one as well.

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: PenglingI love Bomberman
Until you said that I never knew.......
I thought she just looked like bomberman! Aren't avatar images supposed to be accurate representations of us? I feel deceived...

(I totally look like a happy penguin. Ask anyone!)
And im a happy fat penguin with full belly of food....... Ask anyone....
I definitely look like the Chubby Green Yamo.
StoneColdSpider Oct 4, 2023
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: tuubiThe trailer really does evoke some traumatic memories of dig dug. The style is spot on. I bet I'd be very bad at this one as well.

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: PenglingI love Bomberman
Until you said that I never knew.......
I thought she just looked like bomberman! Aren't avatar images supposed to be accurate representations of us? I feel deceived...

(I totally look like a happy penguin. Ask anyone!)
And im a happy fat penguin with full belly of food....... Ask anyone....
I definitely look like the Chubby Green Yamo.
I transitioned into a bee with a V8 engine and wheels......
Purple Library Guy Oct 4, 2023
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: tuubiThe trailer really does evoke some traumatic memories of dig dug. The style is spot on. I bet I'd be very bad at this one as well.

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: PenglingI love Bomberman
Until you said that I never knew.......
I thought she just looked like bomberman! Aren't avatar images supposed to be accurate representations of us? I feel deceived...

(I totally look like a happy penguin. Ask anyone!)
And im a happy fat penguin with full belly of food....... Ask anyone....
I definitely look like the Chubby Green Yamo.
I transitioned into a bee with a V8 engine and wheels......
Quite the metamorphosis.
slaapliedje Oct 4, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: tuubiThe trailer really does evoke some traumatic memories of dig dug. The style is spot on. I bet I'd be very bad at this one as well.

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: PenglingI love Bomberman
Until you said that I never knew.......
I thought she just looked like bomberman! Aren't avatar images supposed to be accurate representations of us? I feel deceived...

(I totally look like a happy penguin. Ask anyone!)
And im a happy fat penguin with full belly of food....... Ask anyone....
I definitely look like the Chubby Green Yamo.
I transitioned into a bee with a V8 engine and wheels......
Quite the metamorphosis.
You are looking a little pale. Need more pep in your coffee? :P
Purple Library Guy Oct 4, 2023
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: tuubiThe trailer really does evoke some traumatic memories of dig dug. The style is spot on. I bet I'd be very bad at this one as well.

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Quoting: PenglingI love Bomberman
Until you said that I never knew.......
I thought she just looked like bomberman! Aren't avatar images supposed to be accurate representations of us? I feel deceived...

(I totally look like a happy penguin. Ask anyone!)
And im a happy fat penguin with full belly of food....... Ask anyone....
I definitely look like the Chubby Green Yamo.
I transitioned into a bee with a V8 engine and wheels......
Quite the metamorphosis.
You are looking a little pale. Need more pep in your coffee? :P
We've been over this. It's cocoa.
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