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The fallout from Unity's recent ridiculous pricing changes and terrible communication continues, with developer Robot Gentleman now waving goodbye to Unity and joining up with Godot Engine. Robot Gentleman created the popular 60! series like 60 Seconds!, 60 Parsecs! and 60 Seconds! Reatomized.

In a statement posted on X (Twitter) they said (copied into text, as it's an image):

The recent Unity runtime fee license change and the way it was introduced has been a shocking development for all of us at Robot Gentleman. The predatory nature of this misguided decision poses a significant threat to the work and independence of many game developers, including ourselves. We do not accept this, and we cannot simply stand by, watching this outrageous violation of trust.

We are bidding adieu to Unity. For good.

Our next project, which has been in development for 4 years, will be migrated to the Godot Game Engine. Furthermore, all our released games from the 60! series will be ported away from Unity as soon as possible.

But there is more. We have been supporting Godot financially since July 2022. We have now decided to increase our support to 1500$/month, effectively redirecting the value of our Unity licenses to Godot. Our engineers will also contribute to the development of the engine, as we pursue our next and future projects in Godot.

The chosen direction is challenging, but in the face of Unity's conduct this was the only decision to be made. This change is likely to introduce a few twists and turns and cause delays in our ongoing projects. However, once we navigate this transition, we believe we will find ourselves in a much better space to continue our independent journey.

There's a lot of developers looking at alternative game engines and tech now to move away from Unity. This seems to have been a wake-up call for many on how the rug can be pulled from them when relying on proprietary software. Like how Terraria developer Re-Logic just donated $100K to Godot + FNA and will continue funding monthly.

Expect more of this to come. Even if Unity change their tune — the damage is done.

You can check out the games from Robot Gentleman on GOGHumble Store and Steam.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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PublicNuisance Sep 22, 2023
Good choice on their part for switching to Godot. Hopefully they actually make a Linux version of their games at some point.
benstor214 Sep 22, 2023
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Quoting: CatKiller
Quoting: benstor214Anyway, should I install Godot from Steam or from the repository?
There's no "install," it's just a bare binary, so you can just grab it from the website Windows-style if you want.
That sounds like good practice for version control.
tuubi Sep 22, 2023
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Quoting: CatKiller
Quoting: benstor214Anyway, should I install Godot from Steam or from the repository?
There's no "install," it's just a bare binary, so you can just grab it from the website Windows-style if you want.
They're on as well.
14 Sep 24, 2023
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I like seeing this momentum for Godot. Can't say I hate Unity because I've never released a game, and I learned a lot from their free training, but I'm always going to lean toward OSS and of course FOSS.
Grogan Sep 26, 2023
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The need to compete against other people rather than cooperate is a bug, not a feature, of humanity :-)

Even people who cooperate, try to out-cooperate others. If the reward isn't money, it's recognition and ego.
Purple Library Guy Sep 26, 2023
Quoting: GroganThe need to compete against other people rather than cooperate is a bug, not a feature, of humanity :-)

Even people who cooperate, try to out-cooperate others. If the reward isn't money, it's recognition and ego.
Not gonna disagree. But it does suggest that if we could just make recognition and ego operate as a bigger reward than money, we'd have a lot of problems whipped.
Grogan Sep 26, 2023
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyNot gonna disagree. But it does suggest that if we could just make recognition and ego operate as a bigger reward than money, we'd have a lot of problems whipped.

When you put it that way, yes I see that as being better. You can't fight human nature. Rechannel it :-)

I haven't got a competitive bone in my body... that's why I'm a loser. However, it's the kind of loser that everybody loves lol
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