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GOG giving away Blacksad: Under the Skin during their Halloween Sale

By - | Views: 36,500

Here's another chance to pick up a free game, as GOG are now giving away Blacksad: Under the Skin as part of their ongoing Halloween sale I recently covered here.

To claim your copy just go to the GOG home page, and when logged in scroll down for the giveaway banner to claim it. The giveaway expires on October 30th, 1 PM UTC.

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As a reminder GOG also recently had a release of Days Gone, an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic.

Be sure not to miss my quick-picks too:

The Halloween Sale on GOG lasts until November 1st, 10 PM UTC.

Don't forget to check out Heroic Games Launcher and Lutris for managing GOG games on Linux / Steam Deck.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pikolo Oct 27, 2023
The giveaway doesn't load in Firefox. Does load in Chrome.
crt0mega Oct 27, 2023
Quoting: PikoloThe giveaway doesn't load in Firefox. Does load in Chrome.
I also had trouble with FF. Thanks for the Info
Raaben Oct 27, 2023
Quoting: crt0mega
Quoting: PikoloThe giveaway doesn't load in Firefox. Does load in Chrome.
I also had trouble with FF. Thanks for the Info

I had to reload 2-3x but it did work for me in FF.
devland Oct 27, 2023
Gladius is good Warhammer 40k stuff. Turn based Starcraft so you can take your time and enjoy your coffee or tea.

And it's one of the best running games on Linux I've ever seen.
soulsource Oct 27, 2023
The Blacksad game is quite good, though they might have overdone it a bit with the (sometimes not so) unexpected twists.

It had some minor technical issues with Proton when I played it, but nothing critical.
pleasereadthemanual Oct 27, 2023
Quoting: Raaben
Quoting: crt0mega
Quoting: PikoloThe giveaway doesn't load in Firefox. Does load in Chrome.
I also had trouble with FF. Thanks for the Info

I had to reload 2-3x but it did work for me in FF.
Firefox also struggled to load it for me. After 2 refreshes, the button appeared and I claimed it.
gbudny Oct 27, 2023
The Journey Down Trilogy is a bundle of three games for Linux for $10.76:

You can rarely see this discount on GOG.
dvd Oct 28, 2023
Quoting: soulsourceThe Blacksad game is quite good, though they might have overdone it a bit with the (sometimes not so) unexpected twists.

It had some minor technical issues with Proton when I played it, but nothing critical.

I honestly don't know how I've never heard of this game since it was released. First giveaway that got me genuinely excited.
soulsource Oct 29, 2023
Quoting: dvd
Quoting: soulsourceThe Blacksad game is quite good, though they might have overdone it a bit with the (sometimes not so) unexpected twists.

It had some minor technical issues with Proton when I played it, but nothing critical.

I honestly don't know how I've never heard of this game since it was released. First giveaway that got me genuinely excited.
I think it hasn't seen much marketing... I only noticed it during a sale too, and I would consider myself a fan of the comic series...
Grogan Oct 30, 2023
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I can't get the Blacksad giveaway to load. I tried a few days ago and just shrugged, but still can't, no matter how many times I reload the page. (extensions disabled, cleared cache etc.). I don't have any Chrome based browsers and I don't want to.

I'm only mildly interested, but if I want this game I could get it for the full, exorbitant price of $20 on Steam. I couldn't buy it if I wanted to on GoG right now because all roads lead to the defunct giveaway (that's my point). I may look at it again some day, when I actually need a different game to play. I have games I could finish if I was bored, even.

Crap like this gives me the pox. It's Internet Explorer all over again now with the Chrome engine.
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