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Enjoy games like Dorfromantik that have you build tiles and expand while mostly just chilling? Then you're going to want to look at Planetiles. Just recently the developer emailed in to notify their new demo "is 100% perfectly playable and optimised for Steam Deck and Linux".

You build natural habitats on remote planets to satisfy quests, and earn bonuses with strategic placement. You get various planet sizes, unlockables and the landscape changes and evolves with your choices. As you progress you'll also uncover special structures thanks to your clever tile placement choices, which can give you some special actions. So you get to turn a few trees into a big forest, and create distinct biomes. There's also no end-game, so you can keep planet hopping and building up until you want to take a break.

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Looks like another wonderful chilled game to keep an eye on! It really does sound like Dorfromantik and Tiny Atolls in space.

Go check it out on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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