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Two new versions of GE-Proton have been released pulling in some extra fixes for various games for Steam Deck / Linux, so here's what's new and improved. Since there's so many different versions of Proton be sure to check my beginner's guide if you're confused. This is the community-maintained version, not affiliated with Valve.

For GE-Proton 8.31 the changes are:


  • updated wine to latest bleeding edge, allows helldivers to run
  • updated vkd3d-proton to latest git
  • updated dxvk to latest git


  • added fix for older games to properly set CWD (current working directory) if executable is not inside the wine prefix


  • fixed this annoying ass unclosable wayland window from popping up when a game uses gstreamer:

Original upstream bugs + fix:


  • added fixes for Dark and Darker (thanks nmlynch94)
  • updated BDO fixes to work with standalone
  • updated yakuza 5 cutscenes fixes to work on non-steam versions


  • cleaned up various no longer required patches (either upstreamed or already fixed)

In the above quoted changelog, they specifically meant the newly released Helldivers 2, not the original which already worked fine. You don't need GE-Proton for Helldivers 2 though as it works with Proton Hotfix. And ULWGL refers to the new Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher.

And then the follow-up release GE-Proton 8-32:


  • fix wine subcommands not working using ulwgl (winecfg, console, etc)


  • Add video playback fixes for all Agarest games (Generations of War/Zero/2/Mariage)

See more on the GE-Proton GitHub.

Here's a text guide on how to install GE-Proton.

Download ProtonUp-Qt

For Steam Deck, make sure you're in Desktop Mode. Steam Button -> Power - Switch to Desktop.

  • Steam Deck / KDE Plasma - Open the Discover store, in the search box (top left) type in "ProtonUp-Qt", click it and hit Install (top right). Alternatively on Steam Deck if you have Decky Loader, you can also try the "Wine Cellar" plugin.
  • Manual install / GNOME - head to the official website, scroll down and pick your favourite download option either AppImage or Flathub. On GNOME desktops, you can also download via GNOME Software.

Using ProtonUp-Qt:

  • Launch ProtonUp-Qt.
  • Make sure it's set to Steam at the top and select to install GE-Proton.
  • Reload Steam to update the compatibility layer list.
  • In Steam:
    • Desktop: right click a game and go to Properties.
    • Steam Deck / Big Picture Mode: find the game in your library, go to the little cog on the right and then select Properties.
  • Compatibility menu -> Tick the box, select GE-Proton from the drop-down menu.

My original video of how to do it on Steam Deck:

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Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Tharvas Feb 12
Totally surprised to see dedicated work for Dark and Darker but very happy nontheless!
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