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One of the games I am truly most looking forward to getting my hands on is Streets of Rogue 2, which seems like it takes everything good about the first game and just expands on it greatly. Gimme.

At the Triple-I showcase a new trailer was shown off, and an announcement that a playable demo will be live for Steam Next Fest in June. The trailer below shows off plenty to be excited about including vehicles, lots of explosions and just pure chaos as we're all expecting from it.

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“Streets of Rogue 2 is the culmination of nearly 10 years of ongoing work on the series. I'm looking forward to giving a sneak peek with the demo, and getting more content into everyone's hands via Early Access later this year!” said Matt Dabrowski, creator of the Streets of Rogue franchise.


  • Dozens of unique and quirky playable classes (i.e., Ninja, Werewolf, Investment Banker, Alien…)
  • Seamless, procedurally generated open world with a map 100 times the size of a single level from Streets of Rogue 1 and multiple unique biomes from bustling cities to creepy forests
  • An absurd amount of intertwined gameplay systems in the best tradition of immersive sims: destructible environments, hacking, smart NPC AI, mind control, farming, building, vehicles, etc
  • You can pet the dog. And also ride the dog!
  • Wreak havoc with a vast arsenal of items and weapons: shrink rays, bear traps, rat-summoning ocarina, Necronomicon, landmines, firearms, rocket launchers, and many more

You can follow Streets of Rogue 2 on Steam. It's due for release with Linux support sometime later in 2024. And I highly recommend the first game too which is great fun in co-op available from GOG and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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RTheren Apr 11
Once the game comes out....goodbye free tme, goodbye life, goodbye internet.....

Just saying, I can't wait :D
Liam Dawe Apr 11
Quoting: RTherenOnce the game comes out....goodbye free tme, goodbye life, goodbye internet.....

Just saying, I can't wait :D
Right there with you, gimme gimme GIMME.
fabertawe Apr 11
This looks amazing. I'd be surprised if this isn't a massive seller and the dev deserves it!
Whoa, investment banker?! Badass.
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