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Windowkill is a fantastic twin-stick shooter, where the game window is constantly shrinking on you and enemies spawn across multiple windows. It's truly clever and now it has full customization available via the newly introduced modding support.

To enable this to work the developer has released the assets used under a CC BY 4.0 DEED license, the game source code was also released (although not open source, to help modding only) and they also released their custom Godot Engine changes now too.

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I imagine people will come up with some pretty wild stuff for Windowkill! See more on their modding page.

Changelog, click me

New Features

  • Added integrated modding support
    • Read more about how to download, create, and share mods here
  • Added built-in customization for many elements of the game, including:
    • Custom cursors
    • Window themes
    • Backgrounds (including custom shader support)
    • Backing textures
    • Music
    • Character skins
    • Player Visibility images
  • Added demo assets for each of the above
  • Added Steam Workshop support for both mods and custom assets
  • Added 5 new unlocks/achievements
  • Added new window themes
  • Added new custom cursors
  • Added custom cursor scale option
  • Added new “visibility image” feature
    • This is a togglable option that places an image over the player, for better visibility
    • This can be customized
  • Added “backing texture” option
  • Added “show health on player” option
  • Added “inverted shoot” option
  • Added “countdown when resuming” option
    • This enables the multiplayer unpause countdown for singleplayer
  • Added many missing translations


  • Redesigned the end screen to show upgrades, perks, etc.
  • Freezing now applies to tunnellers
  • Increased coin drop amount for epsilon slightly
  • Timed mode end screen now says “success!”
  • Aiming with buttons (e.g. arrow keys, or controller face buttons) now smooths the angle
  • Reduced the amount of size clamping done to windows on the title screen
  • Increased duration of Multiply
  • Added input delay for navigating the UI in multiplayer
  • Reduces enemy and boss spawn time while smiley is active
  • Achievements now check for unlock on load
    • In case there’s a mismatch between local and cloud state
  • Timer now pauses while sitting in broken window
  • Changed “manifest” to “manifest…”
  • Player aim indicator now visible if using keyboard to aim
  • “Multi-mouse and keyboard” toggle now hidden behind a settings option
  • The “force starting monitor” option now dictates which monitor to use as the “center” when “single monitor only” is disabled
    • This causes windows like the options, shop, and title screen windows to spawn in the middle of a monitor rather than the middle of the whole screen, unless “auto” is selected
  • Control tooltips (such as “open shop with Spacebar”) now display a different control when using controller vs keyboard
  • Control tooltips now have better names for controller buttons


  • Fixed crash when using friend
  • Fixed non-qwerty keyboard layouts reporting incorrect key labels
  • Fixed aim angle snapping to mouse cursor when overlapping with the window
  • Fixed star, coin, health, etc. pickups triggering multiple times when colliding with overlapped players
  • Fixed queued actions from previous run triggering on restart sometimes
  • Fixed clicks not registering between dropdown options
  • Fixed an issue causing the links in the credits from opening multiple times
  • Fixed “shrink screen size” conflict during ???
  • Fixed conflicts with “shrink screen size” and “game scale”
  • Fixed timed mode end cutscene particles not spawning
  • Fixed many issues regarding multi-mouse and multi-keyboard support
  • Fixed window flickering when attempting to drag unmovable windows
  • Fixed player aim indicator showing or not showing correctly
  • Fixed nyx damage ring not despawning after level 3+ torrent ends
  • Fixed some slime trail hitboxes not being deleted after obliterating

You can buy it with Native Linux support on:



Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Matombo Apr 8
Does it work on wayland?

And tiling wms? xD
CalebQ42 Apr 8
Quoting: MatomboDoes it work on wayland?

And tiling wms? xD

Wayland: yes. Tiling: Probably, though you'll lose some of the magic. The game actually has an invisible backing that covers the entire screen (or screens) that should make it work on tiling wms, though you won't be able to see anything but your background.
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