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Favourite Linux IDE?
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Eike Nov 30, 2016
I'm using (if I find time and motivation after programming on Windows at work) Eclipse CDT.
edo Nov 30, 2016
Netbeans is my favorite, definitely. I just have to add a GTK UI configuration to make it looks nice and it make it alot better
Trump Dec 12, 2016
For quick or small projects I tend to use Nano with tmux + other crap. Other times I use
StackMasher Dec 15, 2016
xed, make, and gcc
amatai Dec 15, 2016
I use vim too on a daily basis. I'm surprised so few people here use it.
Corben Dec 19, 2016
I used to work with Eclipse, but it felt heavy and getting slower with each update. At work we have a special version of micro emacs, which still is an IDE, as you can compile your C programs from it and jump into the code when having errors.
For minor changes on text files, I just use vim... but meanwhile my favorite editor is Sublime Text 3.
I've found a video tutorial online, called Perfect Workflow with Sublime Text, and that showed my how awesome Sublime Text is.
Meanwhile might be also quite similar, or even Microsoft's Visual Code... but I still stick with Sublime Text, as I payed the license fee (imho it's totally worth it) and got so used to it, that I don't want to have any other editor again.
It lacks some features big IDEs have, but I can get along with that.
marcus Jan 4, 2017
Vim for anything bash/c++/python
QtCreator for larger C++ code
Grimfist Jan 23, 2017
I've been using Eclipse what seems like forever for every type of project I work on, mostly because I use it at work. But I recently tested IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and I really love it. Now I own the Complete Pack Subscription from Jetbrains and use IntelliJ IDEA, CLion (cmake based C++ IDE), WebStorm (best JavaScript I ever used) and PHPStorm. The integration of all related toolchains and other external tools is just amazing. I am now trying their issue tracking system Youtrack, cause integrated issue tracking right in the IDE is also very cool.
Given, I have to pay 25 bucks a month, but these tools are totally worth it.
mborse Feb 10, 2017
QtCreator for C++, VIM for everything else.
lucinos Feb 10, 2017
I use Geany and it is really good.

One question. Is there a way to highlight the code for python3 syntax instead of python2?
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