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Latest Comments by Beamboom
Brushfire Games On Their Linux Sales For Shipwreck & Their Thoughts On Linux
5 July 2015 at 9:35 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: liamdawe@beamboom, I again think you need to rethink your attitude, it's toxic.

Sometimes life IS toxic and I don't see it as a task to sugar-coat that fact, nor should any of you, IMHO.

Let me use the electronic music scene as example, a scene I have followed closely for decades now: With the current software where everyone have a production studio on their PC that beats all professional studios just a few decades ago, and the publishing models of today where you can just make anything available to anyone, there's never ever been a higher level of pure TRASH on the marketplace than now. It's junk!
And why? Because the producers lack the foundation of understanding how things work. They haven't walked the walk. They don't know music, they only know the tools.
They are what I call hobbyists. And trust you me, this is me being diplomatic. I could have been a lot more toxic had that been the goal.

So yes, when I enjoy my software, I want to enjoy the work of professionals. And I sure think it is a point to separate them from the rest. Cause tools simply can not replace skills.

Brushfire Games On Their Linux Sales For Shipwreck & Their Thoughts On Linux
5 July 2015 at 7:57 am UTC

Quoting: SamsaiFor example, almost any random person can pick up a camera and become a host of their own show thanks to the power of YouTube and accessible video editing software. Same thing with game development, you can these days make good games without even having to know how to program.

This makes me depressed. Really.

Not even in this day and age a hobbyist can create the same level of quality as someone who's learnt the trade. I'll forever insist on that, regardless of tools.
And when I browse through some of the self "published" e-books out there or see the wiew numbers on some of the Twitch and YouTube "shows" I just want to pull the plug and cry, "stop the world, I want off!".

I guess this is the REAL label on the segment we call "indie scene": Hobbyists.

Brushfire Games On Their Linux Sales For Shipwreck & Their Thoughts On Linux
4 July 2015 at 9:26 pm UTC

Are there a lot of games on Steam written more or less by hobbyists?

My entire image of a games developer is about to get a serious correction here now...!

Brushfire Games On Their Linux Sales For Shipwreck & Their Thoughts On Linux
4 July 2015 at 9:09 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: liamdaweI may run this website, and speak to a lot of developers, but I know jack about things like the command line to the point of disliking it.

But you're no developer, Liam. That's the point here. You don't program computers for a living.
I don't intend to insult anyone, I just am genuinely surprised. There's nothing wrong - nor should it be seen as insulting - to be an "average, low competence consumer", we all are in most circumstances.

But just like I assume that a car mechanic would be able to at least sketch a working engine on paper, I kinda expect a programmer to know their ways on a computer to a much, much higher level than average Joe.
It's just that. I'd even imagine they'd find *joy* in doing so.
And again, it's really not meant as elitist or anything, it's just an expression of surprise. Sorry if I insulted anyone.

Brushfire Games On Their Linux Sales For Shipwreck & Their Thoughts On Linux
4 July 2015 at 7:49 pm UTC Likes: 6

I do not mean this as an insult to anyone, but I seriously thought developers in general were a lot more geeky than this, and didn't really see it as much of a challenge to set up a system and do the required research while doing so.

I mean, I don't doubt this guy, he's very likely right in what he say (it's really well confirmed by other devs by the lack of basic QA testing) but seriously, he sound like your average, low competence consumer with this Mac ease of use attitude.

I just always thought they were more like us...

Victor Vran Release Date Announced, Going To Be Awesome
3 July 2015 at 5:39 pm UTC

It will be purchased. I do however wish more rpgs would be running 3rd person perspective... It's more immersive then imo. More fun to explore too.

ARK: Survival Evolved Released For Linux, Here's An Early Look & Thoughts
2 July 2015 at 10:35 am UTC

Quoting: staticx27Saw it was released for Linux and I jumped at it. Wish I would have actually of read the article first.

It's not released at all yet. It's Early Access. That means people pay to be beta testers.
An idiotic concept I wish no one supported.

DiRT Showdown Looks Like It's Getting A Linux Release
1 July 2015 at 7:34 pm UTC

Quoting: KeyrockOf all the DiRT titles, this is the one I want to play the least, figures.
Why? What makes it different from the other dirt games?

NEON STRUCT Stealth Game Shows Promising Linux Sales
1 July 2015 at 6:38 pm UTC

Quoting: Mountain ManAnd people wonder why we're skeptical of the Steam survey results.

Especially since it reflects perfectly other desktop, client and browser statistics. Yes, yes we wonder.

Unity Editor For Linux In Progress, Experimental Build Could Come Soon
29 June 2015 at 9:00 pm UTC

Regarding Case sensitivity: Isn't osX case sensitive? Since its Unix and stuff? And there is a mac editor already, so... Huh?