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The Talos Principle updated with more Vulkan stability and performance
27 July 2016 at 5:29 am UTC

Need some rainy days. Have to get onwards in this game. I didn't think I'd like the game, ended up loving it.

Epic Games founder thinks Microsoft will essentially break Steam in later versions of Windows 10
27 July 2016 at 5:26 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: MadeanaccounttocommentA really dirty trick M$ could play, though, would be to limit the use of DX12 only on UWP (or whatever it's called) applications. In that case, M$ wouldn't even have to bother sabotaging Valve; since Steam would thus be rendered irrelevant for new games, as long as those don't use Vulkan, of course.

Too risky. A lot too risky. Having a similar API like Vulkan and Steam with a huge client base, EA only publishing in their Origin that could certainly kill off DX12 in favour of Vulkan in a very small timeframe. If companies like EA do not like something it would be sharing their profits. This is why we do not see EA games on Steam anymore.

Vulkan is the threat of the Industry to Microsoft not to do anything wrong with DX. Anything like exactly this. Because then the technology becomes a business decision, a decision for or against their own profit. And porting DX12 to Vulkan is "pretty easy", not saying it isn't a good amount of time for the engine devs, but being platform agnostic already (most engines), if Microsoft goes that way that transition would be very quickly done. The business case (give away 30 % of your profit or not, in EAs case) does not even need to be calculated to know that in such a case Vulkan was to favour. Especially because most engines will have a Vulkan renderer in the future anyway, because of Android.

And killing off Vulkan is hard, because it's completely in the hands of the driver developers, and not Microsoft. And the driver developers do not have any interest in Microsoft, they're not making money because of them, but because of the games requireing high-end graphics cards. So they'd rather listen to the game industry than on Microsoft.

Epic Games founder thinks Microsoft will essentially break Steam in later versions of Windows 10
27 July 2016 at 5:10 am UTC

Quoting: neowiz73this was a $9 billion increase in profits from the year before for Apple, while MS has been showing rocky gains and losses.

Thats wrong, its the 1st and 2nd quater 2016 the profit was declining by about 15 % for Apple.

The results were better than expected, not making it a better result compared to the years before.

Sinner’s Sorrow, a grim looking action adventure is coming to Linux
26 July 2016 at 9:22 am UTC

It's not a trailer, it's a teaser. I'll keep a look at this one... wondering what it turns out to be in the end.

Cheese Talks: Porting Games to Linux & Day of the Tentacle
24 July 2016 at 3:10 am UTC

Quoting: CheesenessThis is very true, although I find that it's not necessarily that things were "bad", but often just that they weren't done in the way I like to do things.

Ye well, that would be bad in my definition ;-). Everything not done the way I like it must be bad. I've bit of a Torvalds-Attitude there, which can be a huge issue.

Cheese Talks: Porting Games to Linux & Day of the Tentacle
24 July 2016 at 1:22 am UTC Likes: 2

Really cool is that one to read, mentioned in the original article (I seem to have missed it):


Daily log updates of the SeriousSam port of Ryan (icculus) Gordon, but writing not what has been done but what he's planning to do. Expect a lot of disappointment, and less "yyeeey" moments ;-).

Another interesting part is:
> Porting Is Not Software Development

porting is like fixing a huge mess of a bug with a code structure you don't like, but you have to focus on rewriting as little as possible. Which is the usual bugfix procedure (if fixing the bug of somebody else). Changing less means less possibilities to break. Had to experience that the hard way, "that's done bad, this could be done better" ending up in fixing what i "fixed" or "beautified".

I didn't port games yet, but I did port some more-or-less complex applications from Windows to Linux (codebase between 50.000 loc and 300.000 loc) knowing that very well, especially if you do know windows and are crazy enough starting to touch the windows implementation because you think you can do better with almost no effort than the windows guys who were paid for it. Never do that. Ever. Seriously. Get some fuel and a lighter, will be less pain and a faster end.

But really cool article to read, great that this one was shared. Thanks!

Overlord and Overlord: Raising Hell released for Linux, some thoughts and a port report
22 July 2016 at 9:54 am UTC

Quoting: rkfgSupports GTK themes as well so it also looks good.

<caugh>.. Qt 5.7 ;-).

"QT 5.7.0 doesn't support GTK3 theming" And it's true ;-). Will be fixed in 5.8 though (hopefully).

Virtual Programming tease the Overlord Linux port in a new video
19 July 2016 at 8:17 pm UTC

Quoting: DamonLinuxPL- The Witcher 2 - after release have many bugs and low performance, after one or two patches it work fine for me even on old notebook with radeon gpu and fglrx driver. Now this game working almost with the same performance as on Windows.

I can not confirm this. I installed it on Windows and Linux, and the Windows version is performing a lot better for me (GTX 760, i7-2600, 3.4ghz). This PC was originally bought when TW2 was released to be able to play it (no joke :D). Upgraded the graphics card since back then (550 to 760).

But true is, it is a lot better and definitely playable now. 2nd patch was the hit for me to call it "playable".

Virtual Programming tease the Overlord Linux port in a new video
19 July 2016 at 3:26 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Comandante oardoVP is teasing a lot of videos lately in their youtube channel... Chronicles of Riddick included.

Oha. That port would be new (to me). Though, I like Riddick, so I certainly would want that game to release for Linux.

Virtual Programming tease the Overlord Linux port in a new video
19 July 2016 at 2:19 pm UTC Likes: 1

I wish I had not bought it on Windows when it was released. Though, happy to be able to play this wonderful game again. Had a lot of fun with it.