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Latest Comments by brokeassben
The classic Driver 2 has a new reverse engineered open source game engine
16 November 2020 at 4:37 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: fagnerlnThis reminds me that I never finished the tutorial on Driver 1... lol

I played San Francisco which is a good game, but it's boring
Holy shit, that MANDATORY tutorial was so difficult. It didn't help that there were no real instructions on how to perform the required stunts to get past the tutorial within the time limit. It got fun after that...

bpytop might be the freaking-coolest way to monitor your Linux system
15 October 2020 at 4:16 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: slaapliedjeI was going to ask how this is different from bashtop, as they both look pretty.
Looks like it's the same person who was developing bashtop. This is a quote from their GitHub that Liam touched on:

QuoteIt's a lot faster and about a third as cpu heavy and has more features, including:
  • Mouse support

  • Toggleable mini mode

  • More customization

  • Graphs for memory consumption

It's also a lot easier for me to bug fix and it's the project I'm actively working on, so please try to migrate to bpytop.

bpytop might be the freaking-coolest way to monitor your Linux system
15 October 2020 at 3:27 pm UTC

Nice! I've been using Bashtop (which is great) and this looks like it includes a bunch of improvements on it. Bashtop is arguably a better/catchier name, though. It's extremely useful to use over a terminal SSH session.

Humble Choice for October is up with all 12 games for Premium and Classic subs
2 October 2020 at 8:32 pm UTC

I keep forgetting to suspend my subscription and have accrued a lot of rather meh games the past few months. Going to remember to skip this month! Already have Sunless Seas and lots of the Tropico games, so I'm good.

Get an early look at the Million Dollar Highway in American Truck Simulator - Colorado
30 September 2020 at 2:45 pm UTC Likes: 4

Colorado is pretty spectacular looking and they seem to have captured it well. They're going to continue to get my money with all of these damn DLC.

When some of my friends who do not play video games at all found out that I play a truck sim, they decided it was going to be a running joke and I get soooo much grief for it. Whatever. It's probably the most relaxing game I've played.

Valve developer shows off Gamescope for Linux at XDC 2020
23 September 2020 at 3:04 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: shorbergOk... *phew* I think I got it.

Standard disclaimer applies to this, no warrenty, make sure you know what you are doing etc.

On a newly installed and fully updated Fedora 32:

sudo dnf install meson gcc-g++ cmake libcap-devel gslang-devel "pkgconfig(x11)" "pkgconfig(sdl2)" "pkgconfig(vulkan)" "pkgconfig(libinput)" "pkgconfig(xdamage)" "pkgconfig(xcomposite)" "pkgconfig(xrender" "pkgconfig(xext)" "pkgconfig(xxf86vm)" "pkgconfig(xtst)" "pkgconfig(pixman-1)" "pkgconfig(libdrm)" "pkgconfig(wayland-server)" "pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)" "pkgconfig(xkbcommon)" "pkgconfig(gbm)" "pkgconfig(libudev)"
(the quotation marks have to be like that in order to satisfy both the shell and dnf)

On a newly installed and fully updated Ubuntu 20.4 (focal)

sudo apt install build-essential git meson cmake libx11-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libxrender-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxtst-dev libpixman-1-dev libdrm-dev libvulkan-dev libwayland-dev wayland-protocols libinput-dev libxkbcommon-dev libcap-dev libsdl2-dev libgbm-dev glslang-tools libxcbcomposite0-dev libxcm-icccm4-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-xinput-dev libsystemd-dev

Focal does not package an up-to-date version of meson so we need to install that separately from apt

$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ pip3 install --user -I meson

Check which meson the system picks for you, if it isn't the one we just installed you probably don't have ~/.local/bin in your path, just log out and back in again and it should pick up this path per ~/.profile

$ which meson
$ meson --version
0.55.3 (or newer)

Build instructions (common)

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd gamescope
$ mkdir build
$ meson setup build
$ cd build
$ meson compile
$ sudo meson install

Updating works like this
$ cd gamesope
$ rm -rf build
$ git pull
$ mkdir build
$ meson setup build
$ cd build
$ meson compile
$ sudo meson install
Thanks for taking the time to put this together for internet strangers. Hopefully others see your post and it isn't buried here.

I got it up and running and it makes CS:GO (and a couple Proton titles) much better looking at 1920x1080 on my ultra wide monitor. I'm guessing it'll help people with multiple monitors even more. It's a pretty sweet tool.

Microsoft Edge comes to Linux in October as a preview
23 September 2020 at 2:55 pm UTC Likes: 1

Currently watching the Microsoft Ignite conference and one of the people speaking has a Tux figurine in their home office and I've heard Linux mentioned at least a dozen times so far. What world is this???

Microsoft Edge comes to Linux in October as a preview
22 September 2020 at 4:25 pm UTC Likes: 4

I'm virtually attending the Microsoft Ignite conference for work and seeing the CEO discuss Linux while a clip of Edge running on Ubuntu plays is kinda blowing my mind. When I started using Linux, MS was paying a consulting firm to go into tech related forums to badmouth Linux. And all of those patent lawsuits against companies using Linux in their tech...

If this is a play to extend + extinguish, it's not having that impact with my job. If anything, it's making it much easier for me to do my job while running Linux which previously wasn't possible. Once I'm able to domain join an Ubuntu machine and install Defender on it, I'll be set to use it full time for work.

Valve developer shows off Gamescope for Linux at XDC 2020
18 September 2020 at 8:59 pm UTC

Quoting: shorbergHad to install a few development packages to get it going but at least all are in the Fedora repos, not sure what the Debian/Ubuntu naming for them are so you might have to adjust accordingly.

The deps are listed in, what you are interested in are lines 24-46, written in this fashion:
dep_x11 = dependency('x11')
The name in quotes are the pkg-config name of the package you want.

Then it is just a matter of compiling the meson project thusly:
$ mkdir build
$ meson setup build
$ meson compile -C build
$ sudo meson install

The install command requires sudo, if you want to install it anywhere else I refer you to the meson documentation for setting prefix.

I will look into setting up a basic spec file to generate RPM packages tomorrow, and I can take a look at a debian build using the power of virtual machines, though I don't know how to make deb packages, I should at least be able to make some compile instructions.
Thanks for that! I'll give it a go after I'm done with work for the day. Didn't realize the dependencies were listed in there. So much I don't know even after using linux for nearly twenty years.