Latest Comments by slaapliedje
Thousands of years later, The Bible has arrived on Steam
17 November 2022 at 10:28 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: sarmadWhat's with the "Sexual Content" label? 🤔
Have you read the Bible? I haven't directly, but even I know there are tales of incest, rape, and lots of fornicating and sin. Granted, I think they left out the animal/human copulation of the flood story in the biblical version, that is definitely there in the Babylonian version.

GOG has a 'Made in Poland' and a 'Grand RPG Sale' going on right now
17 November 2022 at 10:23 pm UTC

Quoting: Pit
Quoting: slaapliedjeThe 800xl is what I cut my teeth on as well, recently got around to finding Bounty Bob Strikes Back on cart, and it seems much more difficult than Miner 2049er, which I played a lot of when I was a kid. Granted, maybe it is because I am old now and just suck. 😜

I'm also not as good at it anymore as I was 30+ years ago.
But it is much harder than Miner 2049er, IMO mostly because of the jumps. You really have to learn when to release the button to jump the right distance. Miner had only one jump.
If Atari owns the rights to those games, as indicated in the 50 year collection, they should do an update for the original systems and make it look like this!

Valve update desktop Steam Stable Client with the New Big Picture Mode option
17 November 2022 at 10:06 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestIt works for me on xorg via a 2060 with the 520 drivers
I'll have to try it under Garuda. Wonder if it's depending on something in newer drivers (I updated to 515 and it's still broken)

Valve update desktop Steam Stable Client with the New Big Picture Mode option
17 November 2022 at 4:27 pm UTC

Quoting: LuticusWorks for me on nvidia 3090 w/ proprietary drivers on Wayland. Just tested that out. Haven't checked on X11 yet though. Ran a bit sluggish in my opinion but it displayed the new ui with the -gamepadui flag.
I just get a black outline on X11 with my 3080. Then again I'm using the 510.85.02 driver in Debian Sid, as they haven't updated the driver in a bit.

Thousands of years later, The Bible has arrived on Steam
16 November 2022 at 8:59 pm UTC Likes: 1

I have been doing some light reading recently; so this is a wonderful coincidence.

I was actually wondering why there haven't been more games, perhaps similar to Total War, that takes place in dynastic Egyptian times.

GOG has a 'Made in Poland' and a 'Grand RPG Sale' going on right now
16 November 2022 at 4:21 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Pit
Quoting: slaapliedjeNot on topic, but Bounty Bob games are a pain in the ass!

Oh, why? I'm still playing BB strikes back now and then.
Was my first totally-addicted game, back in the mid 80's (on real Atari 800XL), I was even dreaming of jumping Platforms....
(That one, and Boulder Dash)

(And, shame on me, I don't recognize your avatars' game.... )
The 800xl is what I cut my teeth on as well, recently got around to finding Bounty Bob Strikes Back on cart, and it seems much more difficult than Miner 2049er, which I played a lot of when I was a kid. Granted, maybe it is because I am old now and just suck. 😜

Fedora Linux 37 is out now with official Raspberry Pi 4 support
15 November 2022 at 8:49 pm UTC

Quoting: damarrinMy upgrade 2 days ago went well, if that helps any. :-) After the previous Gnome version I thought it couldn't get any more like macOS, but I was wrong and it's now ripping Apple off 99% instead of the 98% from 6 months ago. Not that I'm complaining, I like the barebonesness of both it and macOS.

I'm still not as familiar with Fedora as I am with the apt-based systems I've been using for years, but I'm getting there and the new knowledge and experience can only do me good.
I actually find gnome much nicer to use than macOS, and there are things that are absolutely missing from macOS (like the ability to close applications from the activities screen.) Though Gnome 43 does have one glaring problem that irritates me to mo end, and that is dragging / dropping from File-roller into Nautilus! I think it is due to File-roller not having been updated to gtk4 yet, but I could be wrong about that.

Steam Client Beta adds a new launch option for Big Picture Mode
13 November 2022 at 2:50 am UTC

Pure nvidia here on Garuda Linux, and all I get is a few window frames like it's pretending to load...

GOG has a 'Made in Poland' and a 'Grand RPG Sale' going on right now
13 November 2022 at 1:21 am UTC

Quoting: Pit
Quoting: slaapliedjeCurious what people have more luck with, Lutris or Heroic Game Launcher? I seem to have far more luck getting things 'to just work' with Lutris.

Nothing. I just download, run the installer, and have the game in my games menu....
Not on topic, but Bounty Bob games are a pain in the ass!

SteamOS 3.4 rolls out in Preview for the Steam Deck - it's a massive upgrade
13 November 2022 at 1:19 am UTC

Ha, is it sad that I likely need to order another microsd card for the Steam Deck because I manage to fill up the 1tb one? Granted when you have multiple games that are 100+ gb...